View Full Version : There Just Might Be New Axims from Dell After All
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 01:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"Taking this all together, I had just about given up hope that there would ever be any more Axims. Then I spied something in IDC's most recent report on the world handheld market: The company [Dell] has finished phasing out some of the older models from its portfolio and is concentrating on developing the Axim X51 platform with faster processors and more memory. I couldn't get anyone outside of IDC to confirm this, but it still was enough to renew my faith. It's mighty lite on specifics, but at least there's some solid evidence that we can expect new Pocket PCs from Dell at some point in the future."</i><br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />Like many, I assumed that Dell would eventually close out the X51 series and exit the PDA space. Ed Hardy of Brighthand has some intriguing thoughts on why Dell hasn't released a new device yet and why they may be about to in the coming months.
11-30-2006, 04:32 PM
This mobile is really great to watch
11-30-2006, 04:48 PM
I figured it was only a matter of time. While the market for stand-alone PPC's isn't as big as it used to be, Dell and HP are the biggest players in it. If you want a high-end device then it's either Dell or Fuji, and the Dell is much easier to get. They pretty much own the high end market since HP got out of it.
The fact that the X51 has been around so long is also no big surprise. What significant improvements were there to make that couldn't be handled by a firmware update or the user/developer community? Dell's device still has the fastest CPU on the market. They are the only one of three companies that make a PPC with a VGA screen. Until HP released the rx4000 and rx5000 series nobody had more internal storage. The only incentive Dell had to release a new device was when Microsoft released the next version of the OS. Now that CE6 is out, and Windows Mobile 6 is probably not far behind it, they can work on making a new device to use it.
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 06:26 PM
This mobile is really great to watch
Vikasgarg, assuming you mean Pocket PC Thoughts, it's a great community. Thanks for taking time to join us and post!
11-30-2006, 06:50 PM
Good, I'm glad to hear that. I read about all of the rumors, and i just never understood why Dell would back out after making such a good, successful product.
To be honest, I do not see why anyone needs a faster processor and more memory. I've never seen a program that required a 624mhz processor, have you? And ROM? LOL! I've got everything I could ever want on there, and I still have 80mb free.
Instead of having to shell out over $400 for a new device, I'd rather pay $30 for a Windows Mobile 6 ROM update. Please Dell? Pleeeeeaasse?
Keep Walking
11-30-2006, 06:57 PM
Dear colleagues!
I'm located in Brazil and intend to buy a Pocket PC PDA in the near future.
After careful investigation on many brands and products available, I think that the Dell Axim X51v might be the best option for me (primary uses are personal organizer, VoIP through Skype, internet and e-mail).
However, I am not sure if it is the right time to make my purchasing decision, as Microsoft will probably launch Crossbow/Office 2007/Exchange 2007 until the end of next semester. At the same time, six months is quite a lot and I ask myself if the changes will be significant enough. Another possibility is that Dell update the OS and the other programs by the time of Microsoft's release.
Could you be of help with this issue?
I would really appreciate any information or suggestion you might provide.
Thanks in advance,
Keep Walking
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 07:37 PM
Keep Walking,
At this point, a new Dell is really speculation, although on fairly good logic. I would have no qualms about recommending the Axim X51v. If you really want a new device if or when they come out, sell the old one and get the latest model. Enjoy the Dell and let the dust settle a little with Vista and Crossbow. Also, when the new Windows Mobile devices were released from Dell, there were several complaints about compatibility and device issues. It took developers some time to adapt and for Dell to release ROM updates. So, I see time on your side. Good luck with your decision.
11-30-2006, 07:47 PM
My only real problem with my x51v is that the WiFi drivers and utilites seem buggy. Beyond that, my Axim has been a joy to own and use. If you aren't concerned about getting the top of the line pda's the moment they come out, go for the x51v.
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 08:02 PM
My only real problem with my x51v is that the WiFi drivers and utilites seem buggy.
I've had the same problem. Whenever I try to look at the specifics in the Communications settings, I can't seem to get it to close out. I tap OK until I just give up, switch to the memory settings and shut out of it that way. But, when it's great! :lol:
Keep Walking
11-30-2006, 08:05 PM
Thank you for the feedbacks and specially to Paul Martin for the advice.
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 08:09 PM
Post back when you decide!
There is a new update to the Dell X51/X51v WiFi drivers that was posted on 10/16/2006. I installed them and they are a great improvement in terms of connection times and lower disconnections. Here ( is the link.
Keep Walking
11-30-2006, 08:22 PM
OK, Paul! 'Til then!
There is a new update to the Dell X51/X51v WiFi drivers ...
Hey thanks, Woody. Why doesn't Dell contact us about these things?
I'll be anxious to test this out. I have had a lot of funny things happen with WiFi connections, but they never seemed consistant enough to make a guess at what the problem is.
11-30-2006, 08:52 PM
I had the patch for awhile, but the connection kept dropping periodically so, at the advice some of the guys on AximSite, I removed the it.
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 09:01 PM
Did you see any improvement anywhere? Do you think it was specific to your setup or was the general recommendation to avoid this patch?
There realy haven't been anny reason for Dell to make a new PPC, since the x50 serries, because there have been no new technollogy to put into it.
But with a new OS just arround the corner, new 2GB storrage chips, new graphichs accellerator chip from Nvidia, and the new X-Scale processors, anny time within the next year, there are plenty of reasons to come up with a new Axim x500++ series.
My only hope is, that they leave the CF slot where it is, and only upgrade the inside :?
Imagine a x51v with 1,2GHz processor, 2GB storrage ROM, 128MB RAM, Nvidia GoForce chip, and a build in SiRF Star III GPS, THAT would be a ground moving device 8)
Oh.......and maybe a 4000mAh battery to top it of, or just keep it alive for 1 hour+ :D
11-30-2006, 11:01 PM
Dell is going to exit the handheld market. There just isn't enough demand.
They may see how the Q1 sells and move in that direction.
Joelacrane-- I have had the patch running for a week and have not experienced any issues on my X51v. I will read the aximsite forums to get myself up to speed on people's findings there. Thanks
11-30-2006, 11:02 PM
I hope they keep the CF slot as well. It will come in handy when the 20GB Microdrives finally hit the market, whenever they do.
11-30-2006, 11:18 PM
Dell is going to exit the handheld market. There just isn't enough demand.
They may see how the Q1 sells and move in that direction.
You do realize that handhelds outsell UMPCs by tens of millions, right?
11-30-2006, 11:35 PM
I've had my X50v for two years now. I am on my third unit since two had problems digitizer problems. I am happy not to experience the WinMobile 5 problems everyone seems to have.
In spite of my problems, I find my X50 is still about the best out there. I would certainly upgrade if Dell ever does do a new one. I was hoping they would make a phone version. But I love what my Axim is able to do and frequently use it as a replacement to my laptop (have BT keyboard).
But if Dell decides to split the pda market, then I hope my current model lasts a long time. It will probably still be cutting edge in two more years!
11-30-2006, 11:40 PM
Dell is going to exit the handheld market. There just isn't enough demand.
They may see how the Q1 sells and move in that direction.
You do realize that handhelds outsell UMPCs by tens of millions, right?
True. But Dell considers it a possible growth market...possible. That's contrasted with the current shrinking market in handhelds.
Unless UMPCs take off, however, I imagine they won't bother. They will wait for a mature product and market before rolling out their own.
Paul Martin
11-30-2006, 11:47 PM
When I was looking to upgrade my Jornada 568, I was seriously thinking about going with a Dell X50v because I was also concerned about problems I was hearing with WM5. But, I found a good deal on a used x51v and decided to go for it. I've had a few pieces of software that no longer work with WM5 but really any problems were, to me, minor. I've been very pleased with it. Every device has it's own unique "challenges". I've just learned to live with these.
12-01-2006, 12:02 AM
I've had my X50v for two years now. I am on my third unit since two had problems digitizer problems. I am happy not to experience the WinMobile 5 problems everyone seems to have.
What problems? I've experienced no Windows Mobile 5 specific problems. I love the softkeys. I just love 'em.
Originally, before I installed the WiFi patch, the wifi switcher kept hanging on the last block of the progress bar. After a long time, the progress bar would dissapear, and WiFi would be left off. Also, when I DID get WiFi to turn on, my favorite WiFi sniffer, Hitchhiker, couldn't correctly turn on and turn off WiFi. Also, after exiting Hitchhiker, turning off WiFi and then turning it back on later, the Dell strength indicator icon would show white (No signal) and the Sync/Wireless indicaton would indicate that there was no connection, WiFi or otherwise.
I then heard about the patch and installed it. At first, it seemed that all of the problems I had were cured! The WiFi toggle didn't hang anymore, and Hitchhiker was turning on WiFi on its own. And after using Hitchhiker and cycling WiFi, I never ran into the weird no signal/connection problems.
But it seemed that after a couple of weeks, I ran into signal/connection problems again. And a few days after that, every 30 seconds or so, the connection icon (The antenna with arrows) would start animating for a moment, and I'd lose my connection. It would reconnect is about 10 seconds again, but it was still really annoying. I couldn't make Skype calls or download large files. I asked about it at AximSite, and someone told me to remove the patch, and it fixed the problem. So now, im back to where i started.
Hey Dell! You listening?
12-01-2006, 12:12 AM
Here is a link to one of the threads about this:
12-01-2006, 06:49 AM
From the business aspect, it is really stupid for dell to make a new axim since the x51v is still the best, also the standalone PDA market is almost depleted.
12-01-2006, 01:39 PM
Last week I recieved a sales packet in the mail from Dell and there was NO ad for the X51V or any other PDA in it.
Paul Martin
12-01-2006, 04:04 PM
I wouldn't expect they would put it in a flyer for quite some time. As far as I know, they haven't even released Crossbow to manufacturing yet, so it looks like it's still going to be a while. As a guess, I would think we won't see it until the 2nd or 3rd quarter of next year, but that's pure speculation on my part. :D
12-01-2006, 04:50 PM
I wouldn't expect they would put it in a flyer for quite some time. As far as I know, they haven't even released Crossbow to manufacturing yet, so it looks like it's still going to be a while. As a guess, I would think we won't see it until the 2nd or 3rd quarter of next year, but that's pure speculation on my part. :D
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant that they are not even advertising the existing X51 series PDA's this Christmas. So I guess sales are not that important at this point!
12-01-2006, 05:19 PM
I think BrightHand Ed is being highly speculative and even highly imaginative here.
And the quote from the "most recent" IDC report sounds like what would have been said of Dell a year and a half ago: "has finished phasing out some of the older models" would speak of the x30 line.
So I'd say this is no real evidence of there being future models on the way, although everything said about lack of need for a new model prior to WM6(5.5) can explain well enough why we haven't seen any further development.
Dell as a whole is in a tight spot right now, and unless their projections show they can make large margins on these devices, or it is an enabler to sell other lines of profitable products (enterprise sales), they aren't going to put effort and money into developing a successor to the X51 line, now or ever. It's all about money; and as a company gets squeezed, it's even more about money. Dell was a pretty fat and happy company when they first got into PDAs.
Paul Martin
12-01-2006, 05:19 PM
Gotcha. Sorry I misunderstood, Brad. You know, come to think of it, I don't recall seeing it in the flyer I got the other day. I guess they're not really pushing sales of the Axim for this Christmas.
Paul Martin
12-01-2006, 05:32 PM
And the quote from the "most recent" IDC report sounds like what would have been said of Dell a year and a half ago: "has finished phasing out some of the older models" would speak of the x30 line.
I found the report that Ed referenced, dated 09 Nov 2006 ( From that report:
Dell. U.S.-based Dell finished the quarter in a tie with Mio for third place. The company has finished phasing out some of the older models from its portfolio and is concentrating on developing the Axim X51 platform with faster processors and more memory.
If you want follow up on the report itself, you can discuss it in this thread ( pm
12-01-2006, 07:30 PM
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant that they are not even advertising the existing X51 series PDA's this Christmas. So I guess sales are not that important at this point!
The Axims have been absent from U.S. sales literature for some time. Oddly, they're still prominantly advertised in Canada, the U.K., and elsewhere. I don't know why.
I think BrightHand Ed is being highly speculative and even highly imaginative here.
And the quote from the "most recent" IDC report sounds like what would have been said of Dell a year and a half ago: "has finished phasing out some of the older models" would speak of the x30 line.
That interpretation doesn't work unless you grossly change the language of the report. For starters, the X30s have been gone for quite a long time, so there's no way that they would be talking about Dell still phasing them out. Second, the X51s do not have faster processors than the X50s or X30s, so there's no way that it makes sense for them to refer to developing the X51s with faster processors.
12-01-2006, 08:53 PM
Pretty sure Dell said this part was not confidential ;)...
I was briefed in Round Rock this year and told that the Axim is a dead product. They, of course, qualified this with a general statement about always looking at future market developments. So unless the market winds have just changed or the Dell briefer was uncharacteristically misinformed I wouldn't expect to see any more Axims in the foreseeable future.
I personally hope the winds change and we see more Axims, but I'm not going to bet on it.
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