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View Full Version : Mobipocket best display for extending battery power

11-26-2006, 04:56 PM

I was wondering whether there is a best display setting to allow the least use of power.

Im going on a long plane trip to a destination where battery recharge may not be done so often. Id like to extend the battery.

So i was wondering whether changing the colors to say green on black background would use less power as its only lighting up the green text as opposed to lighting up the black text on white background.

I have an ipac 2210.

I also plan to turn down the brighness so as to use less power. Would it make any difference to the battery use if i used the colors as mentioned?


Nurhisham Hussein
11-27-2006, 01:55 AM
I also plan to turn down the brighness so as to use less power. Would it make any difference to the battery use if i used the colors as mentioned?

I don't think it would, not to the point where it would be significant. The biggest effect would be the backlight, but you've got that covered already.

And welcome to PPCT!

11-27-2006, 06:40 PM
Well it was worth asking. I actually prefer the green text on black background. Books are so much nicer to read that way. I was using microsoft reader but it was causing too many memory issues as well as having large files. Mobipocket is brilliant-and does great at making files small!

Well ill take my battery extender with me with a few packs of AA's to charge my ipac when needed.