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View Full Version : Now Offering RTF Files at SteveJordanBooks.com

Steve Jordan
11-20-2006, 01:06 PM
After a year of offering my e-books, and monitoring the formats bought and comments made by customers and peers, I have made a change in available formats at www.SteveJordanBooks.com.

It has come to my attention that many e-book purchasers prefer to convert their e-books to different formats once bought, in order to optimize their reading experience, or to remove DRM or other attributes from the files. I have also learned that, although many readers can read PDF files, each reader seems to read them a bit differently, making a single PDF format for all machines impractical.

Therefore, I am removing the standard PDF files from the site's e-book format choices, and adding RTF (Rich Text Format) files to the list of e-book format choices. RTF files can be read by most word processors, and are platform-independent, so users can read them on almost any computer platform. This makes them ideal starting formats for converting to other formats as needed.

This will allow anyone who prefers PDFs for a particular reader, or who use e-book formats other than PDB, PRC, or LIT, to download the RTF file and do whatever conversion they desire. They can even be saved in Word DOC. (If you insist.)

Further, I would like to offer anyone who has bought an e-book from SteveJordanBooks.com, but who might prefer an RTF version of the book(s) they bought, to simply e-mail me with your request, and I will send the RTF to you for FREE. (You are, of course, free to keep the version you have, and if it works fine for you as is, you are not obligated to replace it.)

Anyone who's conversed with me on this site may remember how adamant I've been on making PDF e-books available on my site. Trust me, I see the irony, too! However, it's a fact that no one has been buying my e-books in PDF format, although many people take e-book files and convert them to their own PDF specifications later. This move hopes to ease that process.

If you know of anyone who may have considered buying from SteveJordanBooks.com, but were stopped by the unavailability of certain formats, please tell them to check the site out now, and see if this is more to their liking. Thanks for your patronage, and don't forget to Tell Your Friends!

11-20-2006, 02:55 PM
That is a very good idea!


Steve Jordan
11-20-2006, 05:14 PM
Well, besides the positive PR, I'm obviously hoping it'll increase sales, too. Keeping my fingers crossed!