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View Full Version : Solution for the official WM5 AKU2 MS BT stack’s disconnecting from stereo BT sets

11-04-2006, 04:36 PM
Do your stereo Bluetooth headphones disconnect from your WM5 AKU2 Pocket PC right after starting to play anything in any media player? Here’s the solution!

I’ve often reported on a severe problem with WM5 AKU2-based Pocket PC’s (that is, ones using the built-in A2DP support in the Microsoft Bluetooth stack in all AKU2.x (and later) versions) and some? one? Bluetooth stereo headphones model, the Plantronics Pulsar 590(A/e). After initially connecting it to the originator Pocket PC (in Bluetooth Settings / Devices, clicking and holding the given headphones icon and selecting “Set as Wireless Stereo” in the context menu) and starting playing any multimedia content in any media player, the sound goes away in a few hundred milliseconds. This is the case with all AKU2+ Microsoft BT stacks I’ve tested the 590 against; for example, that of the AKU2 HTC Universal and the Dell Axim x51v with the A12 ROM upgrade.

There is a very simple but, unfortunately, (still) not widely published solution to this problem. After you’ve initially connected the PDA to your headphones (the standard, “Set as Wireless Stereo” way from the Devices tab) and the sound goes away (again), just suspend (power off) your Pocket PC (some 2-3 seconds will suffice). Then, after powering it up again, reconnect the headphones to the PDA – but, now, not via “Set as Wireless Stereo”, but using the “Establish a connection” button (which is, in most cases, the play / pause / stop button on the headphones) on your headphones. The devices will connect and voila – the transmission won’t stop any more.

You’ll rarely need to repeat this process as you will only encounter this problem only after you reconnect the PDA to the headphones via “Set as Wireless Stereo” and not using the headphones’ (re)connect hardware button. This, however, will only be needed to be used in extreme cases – for example, when you use your stereo BT headphones with more than one A2DP source and you often switch between them. Then, in order to make your current stream source the default for the headphones (it’ll always try to auto-connect to the A2DP source it was last associated with if you initiate the connection using the hardware Connect button on the headphones), you will need to use “Set as Wireless Stereo” and, consequently, the Suspend-and-reconnect-from-the-headset trick outlined above. In all other cases (for example, after powering up your PDA / headphones), this won’t be needed as you can connect your stereo headphones to your PDA with a simple Connect button press on the headphones.

(Thanks for HowardForums forum member Fire Dragan 418 for his original tip (http://www.howardforums.com/showpost.php?p=8096375&postcount=15) (thread here (http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?p=8096375)))