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View Full Version : ics or vcs calendar program?

11-03-2006, 10:56 PM
We use a program at work called 'Schedule It' for staff planning and engineer planning, they can output to a calendar file ics or vcs, and email it. Is there a program on my PPC where I can view this file?

I know I can use a program Mozilla calendar for my deaktop, so something simlair for the PPC would be great.

If it helps the software is at http:\\www.scheduleit.co.uk

Brad Adrian
11-09-2006, 05:16 PM
The Pocket PC is optimized to synchronize with Outlook (which should have been included in your Pocket PC's box). From how it sounds, your best bet (although it's not that optimal) would be to import the files into Outlook, which I believe it can do, and then synch Outlook with your device. Otherwise, you're stuck with kluging too many pieces together that aren't built to play well with each other.

11-09-2006, 06:52 PM
Thanks for your reply

I can import the ICS file into Pocket Outlook BUT

1, even though there are 5 events in it, it only sees the first


2, each time I import a single event it keeps adding a new one and not updating the same event (which has the same UID)?

Is this a Microsoft thing?

11-10-2006, 12:20 PM
Thanks for your reply

I can import the ICS file into Pocket Outlook BUT

1, even though there are 5 events in it, it only sees the first


2, each time I import a single event it keeps adding a new one and not updating the same event (which has the same UID)?

Is this a Microsoft thing?

Yes, there's information in the Microsoft Support knowledge base http://support.microsoft.com about these problems. Search on "iCalendar" or "vCalendar".