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View Full Version : EG-800 "Unrecognized Card" Error

10-28-2006, 05:20 PM

A friend gave me a defective(?) EG-800 and I'm playing with it. The issue: This one doesn't recognize any CF card. When a card is inserted, it gives an error message:

Unrecognized Card
Unknown card in Socket 1
"Enter the name of the device driver for the card. For information, see the card manufacturer's documentation"

AFAIK, CF memory cards should not need any "driver" to be recognized, and I have no idea how to fix the problem.

I tried a number of things:

- I tried various cards of different manufacturers.
- I formatted a card and tried that.
- I soft-resetted with & without card inserted.
- I finally gave the PPC a hard reset.

But.. So far none of these things worked. I still get the error message no matter what I do. Is it a hardware issue? Is this hopeless? I looked into the card slot with a flash light and none of the pins are bent or anything.

Any advise / suggestions are appreciated.. It's a shame since everything other than that is in working order, and I really LOVE the feel of this PPC.
Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you![/list]

10-31-2006, 04:29 AM
You shouldn't need a driver for CF memory cards. There is something wrong with the slot.