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View Full Version : PPC in Canada?

10-20-2006, 07:55 PM
Hello all
i really hope this is the right place for that question...
i'm planning on buying myself a new HTC TyTn, after reading some great reviews about it.
does anybody know where can i get it for a reasonable price in a Canadian online store? it would be a great help....
thanks ahead


10-20-2006, 09:16 PM
SuperiorGadgets.com (http://www.superiorgadgets.com) currently has it in stock for $900CAD. However, Mad Monkey Boys Gadgets (www.dweiniger.com) will very likely have it for less, even after shipping, taxes, cross-border fees etc. I would contact MMB (http://www.dweiniger.com/catalog/contact_us.php) to see if he can get it in stock for you.

10-20-2006, 09:28 PM
thank you!

the thing is that i'm shipping it to a friend of my parents so he'd bring it to me...i live in israel...and i dont really wanna bother him going to take the package and paying the 15% or so tax...i prefer a store in Canada. superiorgadgets look ok...a little expensive though (i found the tytn in a new york store for 720 USD...) are they reliable?

and if anybody know any moore canadian stores- i'd appreciate it.



10-20-2006, 10:41 PM
Well, there's a store I visited in Toronto about a month or two ago called Softpocket ( http://www.softpocket.ca ). As expected though, Canadian prices for the TyTN are really steep, and none of our carriers have them. Like ctmagnus said, it's often cheaper for us Canadians to get the devices down in the US, despite shipping fees, etc. Other than that, there's virtually not other stores in Canada that I know of that carry these.

10-21-2006, 08:37 AM
well, i checked with mad monkey
they will have it this week, for 719USD, though shipping tro Canada is 50$, and with custons, well, i rather order from Canada.
thank you everyone!