10-18-2006, 02:52 PM
Cocktail Collection
More than 10.000 Cocktails recipes
Calculator/Unit Converter
Scientific calculator and Unit converter (12000 conversion for more then 900 units).
Nutrients in food (7000)
Find nutrient values of over 7000 foods. Information on food sources, diet recommendations, deficiencies, toxicity, clinical uses
First Aid
Medical emergencies don't occur every day. But when they do, you should have the information you need to deal with these situations.
Lap time and multiple Chronometer
More then 1500 ringtones and more then 1000 themes for Pocket Pc.
All this and much more for only $29.99
More than 10.000 Cocktails recipes
Calculator/Unit Converter
Scientific calculator and Unit converter (12000 conversion for more then 900 units).
Nutrients in food (7000)
Find nutrient values of over 7000 foods. Information on food sources, diet recommendations, deficiencies, toxicity, clinical uses
First Aid
Medical emergencies don't occur every day. But when they do, you should have the information you need to deal with these situations.
Lap time and multiple Chronometer
More then 1500 ringtones and more then 1000 themes for Pocket Pc.
All this and much more for only $29.99