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View Full Version : PocketPC phone or smartphone, that is the question

10-14-2006, 04:56 PM
use axim 50v (very minimal daily usage, mostly contacts, tasks, calendar with some programs- music, ebooks and some drug database programs like PDR), want to converge to one device

any users of both smartphone and PPCphone, why do you perfer the one or th other? I am looking at the cingular 2125 and 3125 vs the 8125 (and possibly 8525- if and when)

Janak Parekh
10-14-2006, 08:33 PM
I've used both. Historically, Smartphone has been geared towards more phone operation, and Pocket PC Phone more data operation, but that distinction is blurring thanks to Palm's Treos providing excellent Pocket PC Phone functionality and QWERTY-enabled Smartphones like the Q or the Dash providing good data input options on the Smartphone.

Amongst the applications you listed, the one that stands out to me is PDR. Is that even available in a Smartphone version? If not, that may very well drive your choice.

Most of the other applications can be found on either platform (although there are fewer ebook readers for Smartphone), although the interaction model is different -- touch screen vs. no touch screen -- and that is basically the critical difference today. I'd personally say I like both platforms a lot.

As for the devices you list: the 2125 and 3125 make for excellent phones, but have mediocre data input, as T9 is far behind a full QWERTY keyboard. The 8125 (and upcoming 8525) are great touchscreen devices, but doing things like dialing numbers with one hand will be somewhat clumsy, as there's no physical dialpad, unless you use tools like voice recognition. What you might want to do is to break down the frequency of each of your anticipated activities with the device and use that to drive your choice.


10-15-2006, 05:19 PM
I have both. For the last six months or so I used the SP5 Smartphone but I now have the HP6940 as well.

While there are some nice things with the Smartphone, I find that having a touchscreen and a querty keypad is a much better fit for me personally.

Even though the latest generation of Smartphones are tending to have better keypads. I still sometimes prefer to use Calligrapher and write on the screen.

So my plan is to see if I can sell the SP5 and keep the 6940.