Jason Dunn
10-13-2006, 06:30 AM
It's 11pm where I am, and my wife is staring at me with those "It's time to go to sleep eyes" ;-), but I'd be remiss if I didn't do a really quick post before today ended, this being the 6th anniversary of when I started Pocket PC Thoughts back in 2000. It seems like an eternity ago, and the site and the Windows Mobile platform have come so far. Now Windows Mobile is dominant over Palm in many spaces, and growth is happening fast. The new underdog is the <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com">Zune</a>. ;-) I wanted to say thank you to each of you who come to this site, day after day, because without you Pocket PC Thoughts wouldn't exist and I wouldn't have the amazing opportunity and blessing to make a career off of something I love doing. A big thanks go out to all the amazing volunteers that help make this site rock (in no particular order): Darius, Janak, Fabrizio, Doug, Ed, Ekkie, Jeff, Brad, Steve, Jon, Raphael, Jorj, Ashley, and the great review team (Don, Steve, Philip. and everyone else). Thank you for all making Pocket PC Thoughts a raging success, and I look forward to six more years (at least!).