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View Full Version : Spb Weather not updating?

10-12-2006, 01:49 AM
The last few days, my Spb Weather sources (Gismeteo and Weathercomforecasts) have not been updating regularly. Has anyone else had trouble with these services in this timeframe, or is this unique to my device?

Darius Wey
10-12-2006, 03:38 AM
My Pocket PC is out of reach at the moment, and I haven't used it in days, so I can't say from experience whether the application itself has been playing up recently. But have you checked your data connectivity? All working well?

10-12-2006, 03:47 AM
All other data is fine.

I tried adding another city (London) and it took much longer than usual to download the data for that location, but it did eventually go. The other cities did not refresh, however, when I told it to Refresh All. I have not been able to update any cities, including London, since.

10-12-2006, 03:55 AM
Could it be that Gismeteo has changed their feed format? Maybe you can try downloading a template for an alternate service (such as The Weather Network) and see if those work. I can't verify either as my Pocket PC has been sent in for repair :| .

10-12-2006, 04:31 AM
I'm thinking Gismeteo changed their feed format. I just uninstalled and reinstalled Weather and it's giving me Weather data is not ready.

Edit: It did eventually update, it just took much longer than usual. But my WeatherComForecasts source is nice and speedy. I'm thinking it's on Gismeteo's end, or somewhere between here and there.

Edit again: Gismeteo did eventually take, but it's missing information for today's weather in all locations I use it for. So more evidence that the issue lies with Gismeteo.

Brad Adrian
10-12-2006, 06:47 AM
Right. It seems more like it's the weather servers that are slow or sometimes down. I've got several custom cities using Weather.com and its server is down pretty regularly. I set Spb Weather to update every few hours, though, and that keeps everything up-to-date.

Denis Khitrov
10-12-2006, 02:07 PM

Actually Gismeteo system is absolutely ok. We had a problem with our weather content proxy system. So Spb Weather was getting data from last server instead of getting it from the first. This process may take a while depends on connection speed.

The problem is fixed and now update speed should be fast as usual.

Please try update again sevearal times and post a message in this thread is you still have a problem.

10-13-2006, 01:00 AM
It appears that it works fine now. :)