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View Full Version : ppt.com mobilepage problem

10-04-2006, 06:37 AM
is anyone having problems with this...i go load ppt.com on my ppc and pie shutsdown everytime...only with the front page...never happened before.

Darius Wey
10-04-2006, 07:11 AM
is anyone having problems with this...i go load ppt.com on my ppc and pie shutsdown everytime...only with the front page...never happened before.

ppt.com? Or are you refering to our home page, pocketpcthoughts.com? I can't load the former, but the latter works fine for me.

10-04-2006, 05:40 PM
this is the link...
after it loads...pie just shuts down...i can stop the page from finishing...it works...i can click on forums before it finishes...but if i wait to read front page... shutsdown everytime...is it on my end?

Darius Wey
10-05-2006, 07:20 AM
It's definitely on your end. I just tested our frontpage in IE Mobile using multiple devices and everything works as expected. Have you made any modifications to your browser recently (new plug-ins, etc.)?

10-06-2006, 09:50 AM
well...it works now...weird...i did not do any mods to my ppc...maybe just a glich in the matrix.

Janak Parekh
10-06-2006, 03:49 PM
Make sure to clear your cache and soft-reset the device. :)


10-18-2006, 08:11 PM
well...its doing it again...nothing seems to work...cleared cache, reset, moved cache...even disabled cache...it is only the front page of ppct.com. so i am not sure whats going on.

edit...even tried hard reseting and using from factory default to access pptc.com...does not work... n e suggestions...using toshiba e750 w/wm2003

Darius Wey
10-19-2006, 03:07 AM
well...its doing it again...nothing seems to work...cleared cache, reset, moved cache...even disabled cache...it is only the front page of ppct.com. so i am not sure whats going on.

edit...even tried hard reseting and using from factory default to access pptc.com...does not work... n e suggestions...using toshiba e750 w/wm2003

Can you take a screenshot of the error message (if any) that you're getting?

Also, how are you connected to the internet? Wired/wireless, through home, public hotspot, etc.?

10-19-2006, 04:30 AM
i could take a screen shot...but it basically loads a round half the page...title and first few articles show up and then it just freezes for a second and closes down pie...as i said i tried it with hard reset in factory mode and same problem...using wifi over home router with dsl...page works on main pc. it just started today...worked for a while abd before that...weird.

10-19-2006, 05:38 AM
Can you be more specific please? What Windows Mobile device is this, and what OS version is it running, what patches are applied etc.

I've seen this happening even with very small, mainly text only, pages. I have also seen this happening with large pages.

I saw this behaviour on Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, then Windows Mobile 5. Since my current devices are running Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU2 I can say I haven't seen this happening again.

Some argued this was a problem with parsing some complicated files. I think it could be, but when your device is low on memory.

Try opening Internet Explorer, delete files in the cache and then soft reset the device. You should try using it with at least 5MB free for storage.

10-19-2006, 06:08 AM
although it is still a mystery...i got the trial version of netfront and it works perfectly. but have 45 days to find fix or buy it...i can, if timed correctly, stop loading the front page to see the contents...but if i wait...it still closes down. i am running wm2003 non se version and this seems like the only page it happens on...the forums and other links work fine. i will post pics soon...but nothing special...page loads correctly...but just closes pie app down. i have around 40megs of ram free at most times. so memory does not look like the problem and no 3rd party app seems to be interfering. i am guessing 1 of the pics or links on front page is not rendering correctly for my ppc. hence the error. ahhh...should start working soon...its just like my isp...if it does down...just have to get a i.t guy on the phone to flip the main switch.

few pics to get more info and druel. :lol:




enjoy and thanks in advance.

10-19-2006, 08:12 AM
Hmmm. Sorry I can't help much more. But you can tell us where did you get that cool Windows Vista theme, please, please?

10-19-2006, 09:15 AM
Hmmm . Sorry I can't help much more. But you can tell us where did you get that cool Windows Vista theme, please, please?

since u said please...j/k it is all out in the open...just need to look in the right places...
its a combination of 3




enjoy. post pics after finished.

10-19-2006, 09:53 AM
Thanks, it looks good...


Janak Parekh
10-20-2006, 04:25 PM
although it is still a mystery...i got the trial version of netfront and it works perfectly.
You may also want to try Minimo or Opera.

Here's my guess: there's some graphic that's triggering the 2003 version of PIE to run out of memory internally, even if the OS has enough memory free. You said the problem went away and came back. That might correspond to a particularly large or unusual graphic on the frontpage.

When's the last time it worked correctly? And is it still breaking now? Perhaps we can narrow it down...


10-21-2006, 05:09 AM
well it looks like it is just that...memory seems to lock up...it even did it on other pages...but once only....the other pages always worked after one error pie shut down... it started few days ago

Wed Oct 18, 2006 1pm

i tried loading the website links and also the pics from my desktop to ppc...but it did not show which ones causes it... i will update when it starts to work again..for now...just wait a few seconds after page loads up and hit stop. it is definataly on my ppc...some how the memory gets jamed... but the weird thing is after a hard reset..it still does it...was almost certain that one of the third party apps was causing it.

ohhh well... i am use to these things on ppc now...live and learn and deal with it.

thanks again.

edit...well...Lol...it started working again...so still not sure what happened...so between oct18 1pm and oct 21 1:52am error occurred.