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View Full Version : Solitaire as nice as... RedMercury's?

10-03-2006, 10:40 AM
Are there any Solitaire games for WM that are as nice as RedMercury's AcidSolitaire (Klondike Solitaire) and AcidSpider (Spider Solitaire) for Palm? I see tons of those Solitaire games that come with a 100+ variations of Solitaire and I hate those.

10-04-2006, 09:03 AM
I personally recommend Ganebix Solitaire (http://www.gameboxsolitaire.com/?ref=panel) from pdamill (http://www.pdamill.com/). I can also recommend Snails (http://www.pdamill.com/prod_sn.shtml?ref=prboxs).
I purchased Gamebox Solitaire for BOTH myself and my wife and we both love it. She likes the "Freecell" game best.

10-04-2006, 09:16 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried Gamebox, but don't want all of those games. I just want a good Klondike and Spider solitaire as good as RedMercury's for the PalmOS.

Also, Gamebox isn't fully compatible with the Treo 700WX and its 240x240 screen.