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View Full Version : SanDisk and Pretec Announce 16GB CompactFlash Cards

Darius Wey
09-27-2006, 06:00 PM
<i>"SanDisk® Corporation (NASDAQ:SNDK) today introduced the 12- and 16-gigabyte (GB) SanDisk Extreme® III CompactFlash® cards to its award-winning Extreme III performance line, making these the highest capacity cards in the world."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20060928-sandiskcf.jpg" /><br /><br />Both <a href="http://www.sandisk.com/Corporate/PressRoom/PressReleases/PressRelease.aspx?ID=3551">SanDisk</a> and <a href="http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2006/09/25/1927527.htm">Pretec</a> have just unveiled 12GB and 16GB CompactFlash cards (not Microdrives). If you're one of the few with CompactFlash-enabled Pocket PCs (for example, the Dell Axim X50/X51 or HP iPAQ hx4700) and looking for a deified storage solution, then this is just what you need to stand out from the crowd. Just er, check with your bank first. SanDisk's 16GB version is an insane $1049,99 USD. Are you prepared to fork out the cash? 8O

09-27-2006, 07:17 PM
Just give it a few months... A year from now we'll be picking it up for a couple hundred bucks...

09-27-2006, 07:18 PM
WOAH! Insane capacity... INSANE price!

09-28-2006, 12:04 AM
S-w-e-e-t. Not much else to say about that. I'll just wait for the price drop.

09-28-2006, 01:27 AM
It was my understanding that Pocket PCs supported storage cards only up to a 2 GB capacity. Am I confused on that point?

Nurhisham Hussein
09-28-2006, 01:35 AM
It was my understanding that Pocket PCs supported storage cards only up to a 2 GB capacity. Am I confused on that point?

I use two 8GB CF cards (one flash, one microdrive) - haven't had a problem yet. I believe you're thinking of SD cards (and even then some 4GB cards will work). With the SDHC specification around the corner, this will be bumped up to 32GB though you'll need compliant slots.

09-28-2006, 02:02 AM
I could never justify the memory card costing more than the PDA.

But I imagine professional photographers with the $4000 digital SLR's will go sick over the new CF cards.

09-28-2006, 02:42 AM
It was my understanding that Pocket PCs supported storage cards only up to a 2 GB capacity. Am I confused on that point?
I use two 8GB CF cards (one flash, one microdrive) - haven't had a problem yet. I believe you're thinking of SD cards (and even then some 4GB cards will work). With the SDHC specification around the corner, this will be bumped up to 32GB though you'll need compliant slots.
Thanks for setting me straight! I knew there was a limitation somewhere.

09-28-2006, 03:43 AM
ohhh, can wait to get it for cheaper...hopefully SOON. $200-250 is the most i would pay at this point....kinda weird that they even make these cf card anymore...not may devices support them...mine does and i guess like someone else said pro photographers. still can believe that they are making them even bigger in volume...my first pc had a 1gb hd and i thought that was a lot. :)

Brad Adrian
09-28-2006, 07:26 AM
I could never justify the memory card costing more than the PDA.
Try thinking THIS way to justify it: "It's not the medium that has intrinsic value, it's the information stored on it that does."

Er, and, um...If that doesn't work, there's ALWAYS


09-28-2006, 12:08 PM
It was my understanding that Pocket PCs supported storage cards only up to a 2 GB capacity. Am I confused on that point?

I think, you means FAT table. Today pocket pcs (wm) works with fat32, but for example some palms still uses only FAT16 format (cards up to 2GB). Well, when you put some "programe" in rom (how people did it in treo650, i saw) it can work with fat32 too.
About SD cards, you can use max. 4gb now (its one 8gb, but has not compatible with today existing pda i think)

09-28-2006, 02:04 PM
...my first pc had a 1gb hd and i thought that was a lot. :)

OK...now you just showing your age. ;) My first IBM XT didn't have a hard drive. Then I upgraded to a 10 meg drive!

This discussion kinda reminds me of the 'I walked ten miles uphill in the snow to school' stories. :)

09-28-2006, 02:59 PM
...my first pc had a 1gb hd and i thought that was a lot. :)

OK...now you just showing your age. ;) My first IBM XT didn't have a hard drive. Then I upgraded to a 10 meg drive!

This discussion kinda reminds me of the 'I walked ten miles uphill in the snow to school' stories. :)

:lol: Haha mbranscum, I remember the days... "why did you spend all that money on a 10 meg drive? you'll never use all that space!" :lol:

09-29-2006, 02:26 AM
...Just er, check with your bank first. SanDisk's 16GB version is an insane $1049,99 USD. Are you prepared to fork out the cash? 8O
Insane??? All new technologies start out insanly expensive. I remember when the first 5 meg (yeah! I said meg) hard disks for the IBM PC came out with a price of $1K/meg. I was drooling really bad for one of those. I had (still have) a friend who actually laid out $5K for one and that only made me want one even more. We would sit there by his IBM PC and listen to it spin - sweet/heavenly. So really it's both the technology and the buyer who are insane. I feel a little deprived at never owning one but I am now well on my way to owning (running and using) a full terrabyte of hard drive space. And I think that it might be costing me less than that 5 meg HDD - it sure weighs a lot less.

Oh! those were the good old days. I'm glad they came to an end because it costs a lot less to make me happy today. But I think I'll pass on this one and wait till the first terrabyte CF card comes out so I can plug that into my x50v :mrgreen: .


10-02-2006, 08:30 PM
...my first pc had a 1gb hd and i thought that was a lot. :)

OK...now you just showing your age. ;) My first IBM XT didn't have a hard drive. Then I upgraded to a 10 meg drive!

This discussion kinda reminds me of the 'I walked ten miles uphill in the snow to school' stories. :)

Age? I had 8 mbs.


10-03-2006, 04:06 AM
My 386 had 100Mb. Now I feel much much younger. LOL.