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View Full Version : After changing today screen on my V51, device hangs...

09-25-2006, 01:47 PM
I have a new V51 and some strange behavior is occuring. After I change pulgins for the today screen and click OK my device hangs and I have to reboot it. Any changes i applied after i reboot are actually commited, but it is frustraiting having to reboot so much.

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this or is it some software on my pda like maybe SPB pocket plus that is causing the problem.

Any suggestions are appriciated.

09-27-2006, 05:46 AM
As long as you have the most current version of Pocket Plus, that's not likely to be your problem....runs fine for me. Might be an interaction between it and another program.

Brad Adrian
10-06-2006, 12:31 AM
Long ago I learned a lesson after experimenting with various Today plug-ins. I had installed several in order to compare them and switched between them by changing the Settings>Today>Items selections.

BUT, even though an item isn't selected on the Items screen it can still be using tremendous resources. It is possible to have lots of plug-ins active and using memory even though they're not displaying on the Today screen. Make sure you don't have that kind of thing going on.