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View Full Version : N520 wifi problems

09-14-2006, 07:49 AM
I have a fujitsu siemens N520 an I have some problems with the wlan adaptor.
The first problem:
The small antena icon for the wlan connection doesn't appers when I start the wifi adaptor just after many wifi ON/OFF cycles. After one or more On/Off cycles the antena appears and everitihing looks ok. It's a normal wifi operation for N520?

The second problem:
The wifi adaptor doesn't connect to the connection set up from my device. If I want to make a new wifi connection (ad hoc or non ad hoc) I observ that my device can not connect to my own connection. It remains for a long time in "Connecting" state. I must say that another devices have no problems connecting to my new connection and also my device have no problem connecting on another connection set up form other device. Believe me I have tried all the settings on my device and the same result. Please tell me which is the problem.