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View Full Version : Is my Hx4700 just dead? Incredibly scary!!!

09-09-2006, 03:40 PM
I am just completely stunned and scared.
I was sitting before my laptop and surfing while my 4700 was sleeping in its craddle, charging but not being used at all. I have seen in real time its screen to suddenly become white and then completely color mixed and unreadable. Then I began to see some sort of texte in very big characters telling in French: "connecting to USB" (well this is some sort of deduction since all characters was not able to enter in the screen area.
I tried to make a SR : I have heard some sound signal indicating a HR and it has gone dark and now it does not react at all: I have tried HR, no reaction; put out the battery, put it back and check the battery lock, no reaction. It is just a brick now. I have taken out the battery and will leave it alone for 6 hours hoping that the backup battery will get empty and try again. But I am very scared...

EDIT: I have been able to make a HR by putting another battery in the PPC. But now it makes an HR each time that I take out the battery, even for one second and even if it indicates me that the backup battery is charger 100%. Something very strange is going here and I am asking myself if I must just change my PDA (I am out of the warranty period now). This is really worriying since I do not really have the money to change the PDA actually and I do not even know what to buy to replace it. My initial plan was to wait until the appearence of a convincing convergence device as a replacement...

Any idea, any hope that you could give me?


Nurhisham Hussein
09-09-2006, 04:58 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubles Murat - I can't help you completely with what's going on, but it sounds like to me your backup battery is completely dead. Not surprising considering how old your device is.