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View Full Version : installing games?

08-30-2006, 11:46 PM
srry for being sucha ppc newb

but im having a problem installing some apps and ames for my ppc


thats wht im trying to download, but when i try and run the program,

it says it is not a valid win32 application

does that ahve to do with some sort of compatibility issue?

Nurhisham Hussein
08-31-2006, 12:05 AM
srry for being sucha ppc newb

We all started that way! :lol:

it says it is not a valid win32 application

What I'd try is simply transfer that file over to your PPC and run it from there - it sounds like its a direct executable rather than an installer.

08-31-2006, 02:15 AM
o thx
that worked perfectly

and another question!!!

how do i create my own ringer

i downloaded vito ringtone editor....

i made my own ringer, and saved it into the windows/ring archive

i cant seem to find that ringer in the drop down list in options

can sumone help me on this one?