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View Full Version : hp 6315..wm 3.0 to 5.0?

08-26-2006, 05:37 AM
i recently aquired a ipaq hp6315... not the best. but itll do for a guy my age

tmobile discontinued it, so cant get any help from them

since u guys r the experts here

can u help me out?

i have a copy of windows mobile 5.0, distributed my verizon

how can i upgrade my windows 3.0 on the ipaq to 5.0?

is this method even possible?

Darius Wey
08-26-2006, 06:20 AM
Welcome to Pocket PC Thoughts.

Unfortunately, it's not possible. Windows Mobile 5.0 releases are customised to each device, and there isn't one available for the h6315.