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View Full Version : Sidegrips for 2210 - recommended replacement?

08-24-2006, 12:07 PM
I'm finally giving up on constantly replacing the rubber sidegrips on my iPAQ 2210. Can anyone recommend a UK supplier of metal replacements please (ideally black)?

At http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=111341 I found a pair for £25.95 ($42 USD.) Apart from seeming a bit pricey IMO, I'm hesitant as I see that they need screwing in place. Are there any alternatives that simply clip on, like the standard ones?

Terry, West Sussex, UK

08-24-2006, 12:20 PM
OK, sorted thanks. Going to try a pair of clip-on silver types from ebay for £9.95 ($18 USD).

Terry, West Sussex, UK

Nurhisham Hussein
08-24-2006, 04:12 PM
At http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=111341 I found a pair for £25.95 ($42 USD.) Apart from seeming a bit pricey IMO, I'm hesitant as I see that they need screwing in place.

Actually, these are really good (PocketPCTechs - they always make first class stuff), the blues one in the link you gave are the same that I bought for my 2210. They even include the screwdriver and the requisite screws in the package.

Brad Adrian
08-26-2006, 12:31 AM
I always kinda liked the high-tech look that the screw-on ones gave my 2210.

09-02-2006, 08:18 AM
those r really good side grips... very durable