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View Full Version : How to intergrate USB Bluetooth dongle into IPAQ 3630??

08-22-2006, 07:36 PM
Hi I am newbie. There are some questions I would like to be solved. Thanks anyone in advance.
I have a Compaq Ipaq 3630 pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2002, expansion card, Fujifilm DPC-AD(PC card adapter)with 32M XD memory and USB Bluetooth dongle. I tried to install Bluetooth service manager without success due to no intergrated BT. The question I would like to ask there is any way to intergrate my USB bluetooth dongle into Ipaq 3630, hardware and software concern. I have no problem working into hardware but I need the information of hardware wirings to tap into the relative circuitry. Please also tell me which software I do need to drive the BT dongle. It seem to me that I have everything ready except the intergration.
I ask for that because I would like to interface Holux GPSlim 236 thru USB dongle to Ipaq 3630. If anyone could give me great advice or direction, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks and waiting.....

Nurhisham Hussein
08-23-2006, 01:29 AM
I don't think this at all possible - even if you hardwire the dongle to the iPaq, your iPaq needs to be able to support USB host in the hardware, which it doesn't (the PCMCIA interface is different). You might have better luck with a bluetooth CF card and the CF expansion pack.

08-26-2006, 06:44 PM
Thanks you for prompt reply. I know that I can use CF jacket but it is so expensive. I may consider using SD card instead, price around CAN$50 for 2GB much cheaper than CF. Do you mind to tell me there is a USB host controller in the ipaq and the pinout assignment of the connector which is the ones go to PC? If there is a usb controller then I can add one chip FIF232R in between ipaq and usb dongle as the interface to talk to ipaq. The chip manufacturer comes with the driver. I believe that I should have no problem to interface between them, but I must get the above info before I start. Thanks you again and hear from you soon. Bye!

Nurhisham Hussein
08-26-2006, 11:35 PM
Do you mind to tell me there is a USB host controller in the ipaq and the pinout assignment of the connector which is the ones go to PC?

The iPaq only has USB client - none of the iPaq line have ever had USB host. Sorry.

08-28-2006, 12:54 AM
hishamh, thanks you again.
I found the pinout assignments of the connector and I am going to convert it into Linux operation system. As far as I know linux running faster and using less memory. Seem to be they have the way to intergrate with the usb BT dongle. Right now I ready attach the serial cable into cradle and install the bootloader. The original OS image already backs up. Next I will erase the os and install linux OS thru serial cable. It must take a few days to read and apply and I will post the result after it is done. Don't go away. Talk to you later.

Nurhisham Hussein
08-28-2006, 01:06 AM
Don't go away. Talk to you later.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on - serial is probably the way to go, as that's supported out of the box.