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View Full Version : iGO for Loox n560

Mark Kenepp
08-15-2006, 06:55 PM

I am presently awaiting delivery of a new Fujitsu Loox n560 and would like to get some navigation software with maps of Ireland (including all of Ulster).

One of the products I am interested in is iGO (http://www.i-go.com/en/) but I can not find anywhere that sells it (except on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/THE-BEST-NAVIGATION-SOFTWARE-i-Go-Europe-2006-SD_W0QQitemZ200014901068QQihZ010QQcategoryZ56168QQcmdZViewItem), which I prefer to avoid).

Does anyone know where it can be purchased and shipped to the US?

If it can be purchased in a retail store in Belfast (or in the duty free in Heathrow) That would be fine as well.