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View Full Version : Been away from PPC since 2003...

08-14-2006, 05:02 AM
Hi everyone,

I've been away from PocketPCs since 2003, when I owned an HP iPAQ 1945. Since then, I've owned a small multitude of Palm PDAs. Anyhoo, since I'm basically starting over with a PocketPC (three years and all I can remember is WISBar Advance, which is no longer free). So, I'm asking the PPCT peeps to please list their everyday apps and the ones they deem necessary. I own a Dell Axim x5 with WM2k3 (basically the same PDA I had 3 years ago, albeit larger and no Bluetooth!)

I own a Mac and use Missing Sync to install apps, so everything needs to be available in .cab format, or can be obtained in .cab by emailing the developer. Thanks a ton!

08-18-2006, 04:02 AM
Well, for starters, if you use your Pocket PC very much, you should try to move up to a Windows Mobile 5 device, preferably with a VGA screen. Ive got an Axim x51v, it is simply awesome.

Windows Mobile 5 has some very nice new features, such as persistant storage. If you run your battery dead, you dont lost your information. Rom and Ram are now separete, much like the Hard Drive and Ram and separete on your computer. It also has softkeys, which is kinda like a nokia phone. On the bottom of the screen a bar displays two "keys" which you can either tap or map buttons too. I can perform most tasks on my pocket pc without a stylus, it is very cool. Windows Mobile 5 (Also known as Wm5) is also much more stable.

Some programs i cannot live without are:
Skype 2.1 Beta - Make free phone calls to the US over WiFi
Hitchhiker 0.4 Beta (Doesnt control wifi correctly) - Wifi finder
Jasun Fullers Virtual Earth Mobile - Satellite images over Wifi
Jetech.org PocketNester - NES Emulator
[Vieka] vBar - Variant of WISbar, stripped down to a task switcher
Conduits Pocket Player - Mp3 Player

I beleive those all run on Windows Mobile 2003se (Aka WM2003SE). All but Skype are avalible in .Cab format.

If you have one of those new Macs with the Intel x86 processors, you might want to check into getting a copy of Windows XP Home ($100 at most) and Macs freeware "Bootcamp". It allows you to dual boot to Mac OSX and Windows XP. XP On a Mac, what could be better?! That would take care of all your syncing needs.

I'm not sure what you think of Palm OS, but I know i am extremely happy to be away from it. The Windows Mobile family of operating systems is much more flexible and fun. There may not be as many programs out there, but the ones that ARE out there are high quality, even the free ones. Welcome back!