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View Full Version : Language Encoding

08-09-2006, 01:14 PM
Hi Everybody,

I`m first time in this forum. I bought iPAQ hx2495B on US eBay. I have a question. Is there any soft to make possible to encode other than european languages while viewing websides? I mean exactly asian such Japanese.
Any help appreciated. Tahnks


Nurhisham Hussein
08-09-2006, 02:45 PM
A bit more than you asked for (and it might not be exactly what you want), but you might want to try this (http://www.firstloox.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4510).

08-09-2006, 02:52 PM
Hello JSKY, welcome to the forums.
For Japanese encoding, install Asukal's e-China No.5 (http://www.asukal.jp/WM5/echinaNo5.zip). It will install the Japanese font as well as Japanese-encoded wince.nls so you can read Japanese and use Japanese programs.

08-10-2006, 12:58 PM
Thanks a lot. I`m going to instal Asukal as it was easy to download.

Hishamh I couldn`t load the link you gave me, this was also the reason to choose Asukal. I wanted to check both, but one worked only.



08-10-2006, 02:36 PM
The page hishamh pointed works fine for me. That page is basically if you want to input Japanese (very useful). I'll give the steps here in case you are interested in inputting Japanese:

1. Make sure Asukal e-China No.5 is installed (from the link I provided in the previous post).
2. Install Asukal's version of Bagoj Japanese SIP BagojsINPUT.zip (http://www.asukal.jp/WM5/BagojsINPUT.zip).
3. Since you have QVGA screen, download QVGA fix qvgasips.zip (http://bagoj.info2k1.hu/downloads/ppc/japanese/qvgasips.zip)
4. Unzip that qvgasips.zip contents into \Windows directory on your Pocket PC (overwriting old files).
5. Soft reset and you will get Japanese input.

08-11-2006, 02:09 AM
Hi JesterMania :D

I tried again and link worked for me too, though it seemed so complicated that I was afriad that I may distroy my iPAQ and all its original content. I want to keep english version but still be able to view J-pages and eventualy write. I will try steps described by yourself.

By the way I want to start new topic, but before that you or someone else seeing this may know something about it.
Every morning I cannot swith my iPAQ on. I have to start from RESET to make him working. Afetr this works fine. I have everything up to date but there must be something wrong. Today something else happened. I kept on cradle overnight to charge and morning first as mentioned above plus battery was only 86%. I have been using my PPC since Monday and this is first time it happened. Everything always was cool.
Please help me if one can. Thanks

Nurhisham Hussein
08-11-2006, 02:23 AM
I tried again and link worked for me too, though it seemed so complicated that I was afriad that I may distroy my iPAQ and all its original content. I want to keep english version but still be able to view J-pages and eventualy write. I will try steps described by yourself.

It is a bit over the top - but no worries about changing the language entirely to Japanese, Bagoj's IME doesn't do that.

Every morning I cannot swith my iPAQ on. I have to start from RESET to make him working. Afetr this works fine. I have everything up to date but there must be something wrong.

I'd suspect a rogue reminder. You'd need something like Dinarsoft's Memmaid to clear something like that.

Today something else happened. I kept on cradle overnight to charge and morning first as mentioned above plus battery was only 86%. I have been using my PPC since Monday and this is first time it happened. Everything always was cool.

My first instinct would be to check if Activesync is set to auto sync - that's the default, but has cause no end of trouble for users.

08-11-2006, 04:19 AM
Hishamh I very appreciate your clear answer.

What`s Dinarsoft's Memmaid ? Could you tell me more about it?

My ActiveSync is set to Manual after a few tricks which I found on forums.
2495b couldn`t set this problem up as manual book says. I neede to delate Server and it`s fine. ROM is also updated to 1.02

I`m glad that my PPC won`t change entirely to Japanese. I want to keep my EOS as I mentioned befgore.

There is also another topic I wrote 5min ago. If you know can you check this out:


Thanks a lot :)

Nurhisham Hussein
08-11-2006, 05:48 AM
What`s Dinarsoft's Memmaid ? Could you tell me more about it?

It's a utility program, which among other things helps you to look at the notification queue, cleans your internet cache, and helps you manage things like running processes, storage space etc etc.

Dinarsoft doesn't appear to have a website of their own, but you can look up the program at Handango or Pocket Gear.

08-12-2006, 04:41 PM
I downloaded MemMaid trial 1.72 It works fine, but at the beginning I had to reset my device a few times because of freezing. Another issue came up recently. When I scan and then click clean it shows me after seconds following error message: "Some files are currently in use, MemMaid was not able to delete them". Before cleaning I closed all running program (not using MemMaid). I tried another way to clean. I reset iPAQ and then go immediately to MemMaid so other programs are not loaded yet. This time full cleaning was without above message. I tried again after a while without reset and...again the same error. No idea what`s wrong, but soft is good. I`m not going to pay for something if it doesn`t work the way I want thoug.

Any comments appreciated


Nurhisham Hussein
08-12-2006, 05:09 PM
Before cleaning I closed all running program (not using MemMaid).

Are you sure you closed those programs? In the Windows Mobile world, the close button does not exit a program, it only minimises it. Unless you are using a third party application like Magic Button or Wisbar Advance 2, those programs are still running and in memory.

You can force close applications without installing another app by going to Start->Settings->System->Memory->Running Programs.

08-13-2006, 02:02 PM
You can force close applications without installing another app by going to Start->Settings->System->Memory->Running Programs.

This is what I always do before using MemMaid, but it still shows me error.
After I click OK it continue cleaning, but according to result is not what it shows after scan. It cleans much less. No idea why is that. As I mentioned in my post above. When I reset and after go direct to MemMaid it works OK, but it is not the way I want.
Thanks again for your help. Very appreciate it.

Nurhisham Hussein
08-13-2006, 05:20 PM
You can always use Memmaid to close processes, not just the programs themselves. Unfortunately, closing a program-specific process doesn't always release all the resources a program is using because of the way the OS works (resource caching for instance, which is governed by an OS program). Another potential culprit is a program might be loaded as a service rather than a process, in which case you can't really touch it short of a soft reset - SPB does this with nearly all their programs.

08-14-2006, 03:12 AM
Thanks a lot for your great help and explenation. I very, very appreciate it.
It seems like it may shows the way as it is. At least I know that this is not because of my PPC


Japan :)