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View Full Version : Transfer calender without active sync

08-04-2006, 10:20 AM
Hey there everyone. I recently got a Ipaq h2200 (secondhand) but i did not get an active sync cable. I have been able to go around installing apps by extracting the .cab files from the exe but i now i need to transfer my calender files. I have an SD card and an SD card reader for my comp. and a wireless internet connection on the ppc if that helps.
Thanks in advance

Darius Wey
08-04-2006, 12:18 PM
Welcome to Pocket PC Thoughts.

It's probably worth getting a sync cable to save time and frustration. Check out Pocket PC Techs' offering (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/main~unit~HP_Compaq_iPAQ_h2210-115~area~accessories-Lil%27+Sync%AE+Pro+Retractable+Sync%2DN%2DCharge+Cables.htm).

Your other option is a Bluetooth sync, if your computer has Bluetooth. Wi-Fi sync is another option, but you'll need a Wi-Fi card for the device, which itself is an extra purchase (and much more than a sync cable).

08-04-2006, 12:21 PM
I bought a sync cable but seeing as it will arrive in 2 weeks and i'm going on vacation in 1 week (that's when i need th calender stuff) it doesn't help. (i guess going with the worst shipping available is not a good thing)

Sven Johannsen
08-04-2006, 08:36 PM
Your other option is a Bluetooth sync, if your computer has Bluetooth. Wi-Fi sync is another option, While you could get BT sync going as an initial connection, that's not possible for WiFi. You'ld need to set up a partnership via cable, IR, or BT before WiFi would work.

08-05-2006, 12:00 AM
My pocket PC has bluetooth and i know someone who has a bluetooth dongle but everywhere i have read says that you need to do a USB connection first. How would i go about doing a bluetooth connection first?

Darius Wey
08-05-2006, 03:41 AM
My pocket PC has bluetooth and i know someone who has a bluetooth dongle but everywhere i have read says that you need to do a USB connection first. How would i go about doing a bluetooth connection first?

It's one of those processes which works brilliantly for some, but miserably for others. It doesn't involve USB, rather the mapping of a serial (COM) port.

Here is a guide that's relevant to your h2210: http://www.amset.info/pocketpc/sync-bluetooth3.asp

08-05-2006, 08:37 AM
"To carryout an ActiveSync over Bluetooth the devices need to be paired. This is where they are connected to each other and have a relationship."
wouldn't this mean that i would have to already have connected it over USB which i dont have? as an alternative until the USB cable arrives would it be possible to load ics (ical) files on the ppc? when i try it asks if i would like to copy the file to my ppc and if i click yes it just moves it to my docs in the main storage and if i click no it deletes the file.

Sven Johannsen
08-06-2006, 04:25 AM
No, pairing is a BT term. Different from partner. Pairing involves setting one or the other BT device to discoverable, and then seeking devices with the other. Once the first is seen by the second, typically an exchange of PIN numbers is used to establish a pairing, or trust between the two devices. The PIN for some devices is fixed, often 0000. In your case pick any sequence of numbers on the device that asks first and duplicate it on the other when prompted.

08-06-2006, 09:42 AM
ahhh thank you very much, i'll get back to you guys if i have any problems.