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View Full Version : Syncing two PPC's to one PC

08-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Hi, This is my first post here, Thanks for having me!

My wife and I both use PPC's and have for quite a while. We recently upgraded to XV6700's (absolutely terrific device BTW) which made us upgrade to Activsync 4 and therein lies the problem. I sync both to work and home and used to be able to tell Activsync to not sync my work stuff on her PPC. That option doesn't seem to exist anymore. Bugs my sweetie to the max. Does anyone have any clues on how to exclude certain categories from syncing? Thanks in advance ... Al

08-01-2006, 10:11 PM

I use 4.x at home also...give this a try and see if it works for you.

In the tray by the clock R click the icon for active sync and choose to open activeSync.


From this page choose the items that you want to have SYNC with your home PC. UN-CHECK what you don't want to SYNC at home.

Janak Parekh
08-01-2006, 10:20 PM
gnarlywolfman, I think Alsteen is referring to the removal of category filtering in AS 4. Yes, indeed, they removed it when rebuilding the PIM sync conduits. :( Trust me, we've complained about it...

Your best workaround until (if?) they put it back is to set up different Outlook profiles (e.g., in different user accounts), and have yourself and your wife sync separately instead of to the same Outlook profile.


08-01-2006, 10:37 PM

I forgot to tell you about the MAIN PART HERE!!

Here is a link that leads to a "freeware" program that will allow you to have more than 1 user on your PPC Device. So, you can have "owner 1" will be left alone because this will be your MAIN owner.

You can name this Owner "WORK".

Then the 1st Owner you ADD, You might give it the exact same owner info. as your MAIN, this is fine. But, you then "NAME" this 1st addition

You can add up to 3 additional Users / Owners. Again, this is a FREE program.

DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=795

Once this is installed and you have it up and working, THEN LOG TO YOUR "HOME" user and do the previous changes that I suggested you make to your options page.

Hope this helps!


Nurhisham Hussein
08-02-2006, 01:20 AM
gnarlywolfman, Alsteen is talking about syncing two PDAs with Outlook, not a single PDA with two sets of information.

Janak Parekh
08-02-2006, 06:11 PM
(removed the duplicate post)

Gnarlywolfman, this has nothing whatsoever to do with PIM sync. Rather, it lets you change the Owner information in the Control Panel, so you can run applications licensed for different users on the same machine. It will not affect ActiveSync whatsoever. (It's also in a gray area, legally; unless you've been using different Owner names yourself, this software's primary purpose is to aid you in running software licensed to others.)


08-03-2006, 02:27 PM
Thanks folks. I was really try to avoid using different profiles but that's prolly my only choice at the moment. Crumbs ....

08-13-2006, 07:29 PM

have you actually tryed the program? or are you just crying out about what the "hackers" may or may not use the program to get around a license?

I found this program BECAUSE I was having the SAME PROBLEM as described by the other user.

I am disabled and I have different computers in different areas of my house for when I am able to be up and around. So, if I have my PDA with me and I want to sync to one of these systems...The "Owner" is the same if that is what I choose, but the "System or User #" can be whatever I want it to be...

My advise is to install the program and play around with it. It really is a nifty little proggy!

Gnarly! :D

Janak Parekh
08-13-2006, 07:45 PM
have you actually tryed the program? or are you just crying out about what the "hackers" may or may not use the program to get around a license?
What are you talking about?

You advertised a program that clearly supports MULTIPLE USERNAMES ON ONE PDA.

The original poster was asking how to synchronize different data TO TWO DIFFERENT PDAs.

I fail to see how this is the same problem, and I am not rendering judgement on those that use this program. If it works for you, I'm very glad to hear it, but it's not going to solve the original poster's problem. Please PM me offline if you feel there is a further misunderstanding.



08-13-2006, 08:22 PM
I TOTALLY apologize for the misunderstanding --janak. I thought that the user had multiple computers to a single PDA... :?

not the OTHER way around! :oops: Completely my mistake.

Let me look around...If there is a way to do it, I'll find it! :wink:

Gnarly :devilboy:

Janak Parekh
08-14-2006, 07:12 PM
No problem. We're all on the same page now... :)
