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View Full Version : Fathammer news: FREE Windows AngelFish version; 2700G Stuntcar Extreme reviewed!

08-01-2006, 06:16 PM
Fathammer gaming news: FREE desktop Windows AngelFish version; 2700G (Dell Axim x50v/ x51v) version of Stuntcar Extreme reviewed!

Finnish Fathammer, developer of really nice titles like Toy Golf (review here (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=661&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1); generic article on Pocket PC golf games here (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/_archives/apr06/golf.aspx)) has just released a Windows XP version (http://www.fathammer.com/ang.htm) of their vertical shoot’m up AngelFish for free.

I’ve reviewed the Pocket PC version of AngelFish and compared to the alternate titles for example here (http://www.pocketmatrix.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21739). I haven’t been particularly happy with the Pocket PC version because
it’s the only vertical scroller shooter on the Pocket PC that can not be controlled with the stylus, only with the D-pad
the graphics of the enemies, the explosions is far-far inferior to that of SkyForce (Reloaded)
the overall game experience is far worse than even non-top vertical shoot’m ups (for example, even the free GikaDiver (reviewed in the Roundup of All Pocket PC Games Part I (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/menneisyys/052006MIPSGames.asp)) is much nicer to play because of the stylus support and the much more action)

Th PC version is the exact replica of that of the Pocket PC. That is, it can only be controlled by the cursor block on your PC and only has a 320*240 window (or uses this resolution in full screen mode - good old MCGA days ;) ). However, for free, why not get it? ;) (Also make sure NOT to download it with a download accelerator - it caused me a CRC error in the ZIP file.)

(Note that this game is in no way the best free desktop Windows scrolling shooter. Check out Xenon 2000: Project PCF (http://www.bitmap-brothers.co.uk/downloads/images/xenon2000/index.htm) if you want to play a really-really good, commercial quality, freely available shooter! Note that I've also elaborated on this title in my above-linked PocketMatrix review (http://www.pocketmatrix.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21739).)

Now, for the second, even more important part:

2. 2700G-enabled (Dell Axim x50v/ x51v-specific) version of Stuntcar Extreme tested and compared to GeoRallyEX by IonFX

Now that I’ve started judging the Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine Best Software Awards 2006 titles (including Stuntcar Extreme), I’ve thoroughly tested the 3D acceleration-enabled, already X-FORGE 2-powered (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/2700gFathammerStuntcarExtreme-xf2.bmp.png) version of Stuntcar Extreme, the company’s most widely known, excellent racing title (which is, incidentally, sold for 7 euros only in Europe right now (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1083&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1), bundled with another, great 3D-accelerated game Enigmo).


The game runs pretty well on the x51v and looks excellent (as a 2700G title should look like). It looks much more sophisticated and, particularly on some tracks, much more spectacular than the most notable, 2700G-optimized alternative, GeoRallyEX by IonFX (shipped with the x51v; purchasable for the x50v (http://www.ionfx.com/product_EX.php) and reviewed here (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=661&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1)).

2.1 Control

It also plays pretty well, some control issues aside. If you want really fine, analogue (not that of the “digital” D-pad) control over the car, GeoRallyEX is certainly better.

GeoRallyEX has, in addition to plain D-pad-based control, two schemes involving the touch screen: either D-pad for left-right and analogue (!!!!) screen for gas/break (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/Georally-Control-1.bmp.png), or vice versa (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/Georally-Control-2.bmp.png). Also, hardware buttons are redefinable. It has much better controlling than that of Stuntcar Extreme (again, if you use the screen for steering)!

2.2 Visuals

Unfortunately, especially on some tracks (particularly on the especially beautiful Construction Sights (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-CnstrSights.bmp.png)) packed with tons of different high-quality textures and 3D objects, it’s not as smooth as GeoRallyEX. The animation, then, becomes as blocky and stuttering as that of, say, the 2700G-optimized Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (reviewed here (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=661&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1)) - or, even worse. On less detailed tracks, for example on GC Stunt Tour (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-GCStunt.bmp.png), speed degradation won’t be an issue, though.

3. Version differences

Note that you should only get the x50v/x51v-enabled version from Dell (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1083&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1), not that of Handango. The latter only uses software rendering (and, incidentally, is fully incompatible with WM5 – not just with the WM5 Dell Axims, but also all other WM5 devices. Unfortunately, the 2700G-optimized version doesn’t run on other WM5 devices either – that is, until Fathammer releases a WM5 patch, in no way can you play any version of Stuntcar Extreme on WM5).

I’m not sure about how much upgrading the Handango (software-rendered, pre-WM5 only) version to the 2700G-optimized version costs. AximSite forum member player911 states there is a free patch (http://www.aximsite.com/boards/showthread.php?t=133394) which can be used to upgrade the Handango version to have 2700G support; I, however, couldn’t find it.

3.1 Multiplayer – unfortunately, no interoperability with old versions

I’ve also scrutinized the multiplayer (see the Definitive Multiplayer PPC Game Roundup (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/menneisyys/102005MPPPCGames.asp) for more information) interoperability of the 2700G-enabled version with the old one. Unfortunately, it seems a 2700G player can’t play a player playing a non-2700G version. I’ve tested both Wi-Fi peer-to-peer and Bluetooth PAN (with the Widcomm BT stack hack on my x51v) connections; nothing worked. The same (Wi-Fi peer-to-peer and BT PAN) connections both work, without problems, between the software rendered-only versions. That is, it seems the 2700G-enabled version can only play other 2700G-enabled versions, not that of Handango. This is definitely very bad news.

3.2 A lot of new, beautiful tracks!

Of the Handango version, “only” the Ring of Fire (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-RingofFire.bmp.png) and the Icy Drifts (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-Icy.bmp.png) tracks have been retained (with incomparably better and more detailed graphics!); The Metropolitan (which wasn’t particularly spectacular) has been removed. There are, however, three new tracks: RollerCoaster (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-RollerCoaster.bmp.png) , Construction Sights (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-CnstrSights.bmp.png) and GC Stunt Tour (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/SCExtreme-GCStunt.bmp.png). They are all really spectacular - much so than those of GeoRally EX.

Finally, the 2700G-optimized version doesn’t have a Championship option (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/2700gFathammerStuntcarExtreme-MainMenu.bmp.png), unlike the software-only Handango one (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/NormalFathammerStuntcarExtreme-Main.bmp.png) (another screenshot of the latter here (http://www.winmobiletech.com/082006SCE2700G/NormalFathammerStuntcarExtreme-Championship.bmp.png)). Of course, this won’t be a problem to anyone that “only” wants to use the multiplayer/ the quick race options.

4. Compared to GeoRallyEX (a comparison chart)...


5. Verdict

All in all, if you want a decent, spectacular, 2700G-enabled racing game for your 3D-accelerated Dell Axim x50v/ x51v handheld and don’t need the excellent controls of GeoRallyEX (because, for example, you’ve always used the D-pad to steer your car and never needed the analogue controls for even more sophisticated steering), make sure you get the 2700G-enabled version of Stuntcar Extreme, particularly if you’re living in West-Europe, where, apart from some countries, you can, now, get the 3D Bundle for much cheaper than usually / in the States.