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View Full Version : Hubdog brings Blogs to Windows Mobile devices

07-28-2006, 12:16 AM

Countless number of people out there are reading almost everything on their mobiles and it’s growing everyday !

To help bloggers address this new opportunity, SRN has officially launched Hubdog Blogger Program:


Hubdog’s mobile publisher program allows affiliate bloggers to create mobile versions of their blogs that are perfectly fit to Windows Mobile devices. Plus the service is completely free and totally user friendly.

See for yourself: http://www.hubdog.com/channel/2499/preview

The program’s built-in marketing toolset allows partner bloggers to add their own personalized subscription button or “chicklet” to their blog’s sidebar. This allows Windows Mobile users to easily get an optimize version of their favorite blogs on their devices, a version that can be access either online (live mode) or offline (podcast mode).

How it works ? Well, Hubdog simply connects to your blog RSS feed and displays your content in a mobile version perfectly fit to your Windows Mobile device.

The software can also cache your blog to ensure your content is always available offline. Hubdog users can also email interesting blog posts from their devices to their friends and contacts, leveraging viral promotion of their favorite blogs.

Bottom line, Hubdog improves and optimizes the experience of reading blogs on any Windows Mobile pocket pc device. Hubdog Blogger Program Benefits:

- Optimize your blog for Windows Mobile pocket pcs devices.

- Cost-free solution for addressing millions of mobile readers throughout the world.

- Track your success: Get statistical usage data about readers subscribing to your channel.

- 100% efficiency, since channels are subscribed by readers on an opt-in basis.

- Access to an educated, influential readership with a high disposable income.

- Leverage online content distribution and serve existing readers with an added value mobile delivery solution.

- Attract new readers and build stronger relationships with existing readers.

Interested in getting your own mobile blog ?

Get started here: http://www.hubdog.com/affiliates

Subscription Button Samples (Try them !)

Subscribe to Go2web2 Blog by Orli Yakue http://www.hubdog.com/service/fromAffiliate.aspx?channelID=5731&referer=3058

Subscribe to Micro Persuasion Blog by Steve Rusel http://www.hubdog.com/service/fromAffiliate.aspx?channelID=5728&referer=3058

Subscribe to Rocketboom Video Podcast http://www.hubdog.com/service/fromAffiliate.aspx?channelID=5727&referer=3058

Subscribe to The Electrical Language Radio Podcast http://www.hubdog.com/service/fromAffiliate.aspx?channelID=5729&referer=3058

Subscribe to Treehugger TV Podcast http://www.hubdog.com/service/fromAffiliate.aspx?channelID=5726&referer=3058

HTML version: http://www.hubdog.com/blog/?p=22