The PDA definitely has DUN ...
Oh, there's no worries about the PDA having DUN - they almost all have them. Nokia phones are another matter entirely.
I'll be with Cingular.
Ok the important items are:
APN: wap.cingular
[email protected]
Once you've paired the Toshiba with the Nokia, you need to input these items in the Bluetooth network connection settings. To do that (this is for WM2003SE, but WM2003 is similar), go to Start->Settings->Connections tab->Connections->Advanced->Select Networks->Select Bluetooth Settings from the dropdown boxes->Edit->Modem->New...
1. Enter a name for the connection, and select Bluetooth dialup modem, click next.
2. Enter the number to be dialed...typically *99#.
3. Enter the username and password, then click Advanced.
4. Type, "+CGDCONT=1,"IP","wap.cingular" in the extra dial strings box.
Click the OK button until you get back to the "Select Networks" page. Make sure the modified settings are in the internet connection dropdown box. I'm unsure at this stage how the exact connection will be handled - it's different between the different bluetooth stacks. Ordinarily, if the correct settings are selected, then your PDA will automatically use the dial strings given when you call the internet. You can also launch it manually at the modem page, or if you're using the Widcomm stack, through the Bluetooth manager.
If it doesn't work, there may be a need to attach extra dial strings (like reseting the modem - I'm sorry, I can't recall exactly what the string is, I'll dig for it if required), or put in the DNS server IPs.