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View Full Version : Dopod 900 Software vs. MDA Pro Sofware

07-24-2006, 08:48 AM
Is it possible to change the software of an MDA Pro purchased abroad to the software of Dopod 900 to make it work here as Dopod 900 is the only similar 3G phone sold here and configured with our loca networks. If not can the WIFI and MMS of a MDA Pro work here in the Philippines? Thanks!

Nurhisham Hussein
07-25-2006, 12:51 AM
Is it possible to change the software of an MDA Pro purchased abroad to the software of Dopod 900 to make it work here as Dopod 900 is the only similar 3G phone sold here and configured with our loca networks.

Not easily, and not legally.

If not can the WIFI and MMS of a MDA Pro work here in the Philippines? Thanks!

Why not? Those are a matter of configuration, certainly wifi is a global standard.

07-25-2006, 01:03 AM
Thank you so much hishamh. Although I was told that it can be overwritten by another software the leal issue is likewise my concern. Anyway, I went to the wireless center yesterday and was taught how to configure and it now is as functional as the Dopod!