View Full Version : Microsoft Money Team Abandons Pocket PC
Ed Hansberry
07-25-2006, 12:00 AM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />It seems the Microsoft Money team has decided not to support Windows Mobile 5 at all, nor any Pocket PC with the just released Money 2007. From the Money 2007 handheld page:<br /><br />• Money for the Pocket PC will work on versions prior to Win Mobile 5.0 (2005). It does <b>NOT</b> work on Win Mobile 5.0.<br />• Money 2007 will <b>not synchronize with any Pocket PC version</b>. <br />• Money 2006 will synchronize with Money for the Pocket PC if it is running on a version prior to Win Mobile 5.0.<br /><br />Emphasis added where relevant. If you use Money on your PC, were you syncing with your Pocket PC?
07-25-2006, 12:07 AM
I think I found when I did some testing early when Windows Mobile 5 came out that Pocket Money will run on Windows Mobile 5, it just won't synchronize with the desktop software.
07-25-2006, 12:41 AM
Unfortunately, the poll did not include an appropriate choice for me. I use a Pocket PC based application to track my finances, and do not sync with a desktop.
Joseph Moon
07-25-2006, 01:08 AM
Do you think MS would leave a stone unturned... I find it unusual that they would depart from a market segment that they are trying to build on...
I wonder if maybe that would like to start selling the PDA version... Upto recently they gave the PDA version away for free.
It just seems strange...
07-25-2006, 01:44 AM
I am using money 2004 on my desktop and it syncs fine on my Dell x51v running WM5. I can't imagine why microsoft would want to drop this functionaliity- its one of my main uses for my axim.
Clinton Fitch
07-25-2006, 02:06 AM
I can't say I'm overwhelmingly shocked by this announcement. I don't necessarily think it is a good move however....
Spb Finance anyone? :D
07-25-2006, 02:42 AM
I waited for the WM5 upgrade for the iPaq 4700, I've been installing updated applications, and one of my goals was to get a current version of Money and Pocket Money running.
I'm actually pretty sad. I guess it's pff to a third party, then?
07-25-2006, 03:01 AM
I little off topic: Question about MM2007
Will it let you park your "main" file on a network drive and then access it from two our three PCs without having to "explore" for it? I understand two to three users can't open at the same time. I just want to access on my laptop or main home PC while using Wifi.
07-25-2006, 03:19 AM
Well, I guess all that "work wherever you go" and "take your office with you" talk is just another load of crap, huh?
Disappointing, as I use Money on my PC and Pocket Money on my hx2755. It isn't a critical thing for me, because the pocket-version is mostly just so I can make sure I'm not spending more than I have. :oops: I'll always need a desktop-version to do the real number-crunching and check-printing.
I guess I'll look for a third-party app if/when I upgrade Money... or I'll just switch to Quicken & PocketQuicken...
Someone tell Microsoft that its not supposed to limit device usefulness, its supposed to expand device usefulness.
Steve Jordan
07-25-2006, 03:24 AM
I'd imagine the chief reason behind their actions are to push people towards the new tablet PCs. MS has abandoned SW or features on certain platforms before, while continuing to support it on their own latest, greatest app or platform, so that would be true to form.
Jason Lee
07-25-2006, 03:28 AM
I little off topic: Question about MM2007
Will it let you park your "main" file on a network drive and then access it from two our three PCs without having to "explore" for it? I understand two to three users can't open at the same time. I just want to access on my laptop or main home PC while using Wifi.
Any version of money will do this if you map the network share to a drive letter.
07-25-2006, 03:29 AM
I use Money on my desktop, and I like Pocket Money - but I no longer use it, because I've run into too many corrupted Money databases. Just a simple hiccup in ActiveSync, such as changing the setting from sync all transactions to sync only the past four weeks (and I've had this happen several times) is enough to hose the entire works. Who knows, maybe somebody launched a class action suit for this very reason. More likely, Microsoft determined they can't figure out a way to solve the problems with syncing a database.
Jason Lee
07-25-2006, 03:31 AM
The poll did not have an option for me either. I use Spb Finance on my ppc and do not sync it with anything. Finance is exactly what I need. not too bloated like money.
Darren Behan
07-25-2006, 03:36 AM
I just 'upgraded' to 2007. I was using Cash Organizer by inesoft because Microsoft abandoned Money for the PPC with WM5. By an large it is a very useful and full featured application - though it (like SPB) lacks support for investment accounts. At the moment Cash Organizer doesn't support 2007 but I got an email back today that they are planning support within the next few weeks.
Tried SPB with Money 2006 but it took forever to sync (that was at least one version ago though). Tried the latest version but it doesn't support 2007 yet either.
It's very disappointing to me that Microsoft has abandoned Money for the PPC. It (like others have mentioned above) was one of my main uses for the PPC.
07-25-2006, 04:24 AM
I little off topic: Question about MM2007
Will it let you park your "main" file on a network drive and then access it from two our three PCs without having to "explore" for it? I understand two to three users can't open at the same time. I just want to access on my laptop or main home PC while using Wifi.
Any version of money will do this if you map the network share to a drive letter.
Thanks Jason.
Anyone planning on going to should know that it will not auto open a Quicken file that is parked on a network drive. I use SPB with Quicken right now and I have to sync my PocketPC with the PC that holds the Quicken.exe and MY Quicken file. I can use MY Quicken file off a network drive but I have to "explore" for the file every time I open it.
I would love to be able to park MY Quicken file on a networked drive, then access it from any PC without having to "explore" for it every time. My wife might actually put her transactions in. :) Plus SPB would sync with it off my laptop. SPB actually opens Quicken.exe and MY Quicken file when it tries to sync...SPB stalls out because Quicken.exe wants to open a file that's parked on a network drive, and Quicken won't do that.
So if I moved to Money2007, I could sync with Money parked on a network drive
<ok I read it and understand it, it's late here, sorry, hitting SUBMIT anyway>
07-25-2006, 04:44 AM
iirc I tried Money on the PPC once several years ago and was not impressed, so I immediately bought Pocket Quicken. Then Spb Finance came out, so I sprung for Spb Finance Quicken Edition. Then Spb merged their Finance installers, giving anyone with a license for Spb Finance a license to use any version of Finance. Right now I have no financial app installed on my Pocket PC as I had serious issues upgrading Finance the last time Spb released an upgrade, and I'm seriously considering jumping ship to Microsoft Money on the desktop due to Quicken's stupid UI bugs and inconsistent help files.
I received a reply from Spb today that they do not officially support Money 2007 at this point in time, but it may work. So hopefully they'll offer official support for it in their next upgrade, and hopefully Microsoft Canada will offer something a little more robust than "Money 2006 Standard" in Canada. There are four versions of Money 2007 available in the U.S., but Canadians only get a lame version of last year's product? :roll:
Eriq Cook
07-25-2006, 05:45 AM
I use to use Money for Pocket PC along with 2005 for desktop. Reason why I stopped is that I never really used it to enter purchase transactions immediately like I thought I would. Plus, I'm uncomfortable having my checking acct balances so easily available from it (people always ask to "check out" my pocket pc and go through the applications to see what it can do).
I'm surprised Microsoft isn't supporting it at all for 2007 though. Not that I'd use it now, but many other people would find it useful.
07-25-2006, 05:53 AM
At this point, I hardly care what MS does with their PPC version of Money. I discovered Inesoft's Cash Organizer several years back and once they came out with an ActiveSync conduit for synchronizing w/ desktop MS Money, I was a full convert. There are too many excellent alternatives out there (albeit you have to hand over some money) for PPC Money to be attractive to me any more.
Nurhisham Hussein
07-25-2006, 06:40 AM
Plus, I'm uncomfortable having my checking acct balances so easily available from it (people always ask to "check out" my pocket pc and go through the applications to see what it can do).
Cash Organizer has password protection.
07-25-2006, 07:19 AM
I have come to the belated conclusion that not only does Microsoft not have a strategy for consumer apps for the Pocket PC/Smartphone format, they don't intend to maintain marketable applications and really have no intention of providing seamless support across their enterprise for Mobile devices, despite all the hype. They apparently can't make a business case for such software.
The fact that the only two Microsoft applications that don't come included with a mobile device (Pocket Streets and Pocket Money) have not been revved for Windows Mobile 5.0 is telling. I bought a Treo 700w expecting versions of those two software titles to be available but sadly, none will be forthcoming. (I'm willing to pay for the applications, but clearly they aren't available at any price.)
It can be argued that Microsoft has "seeded" the marketplace by providing the developer tools, the operating system and interested hardware manufacturers and now it's up to developers to generate applications. With the bewildering array of screen sizes, resolutions and rapid UI changes, it is not surprising that any developer has a hard time keeping applications current for new devices -- let alone a company like Microsoft who just doesn't seem to want to rev the two software titles at least I had been using.
Let's be clear here: I am not asking for Microsoft to give away software. I am perfectly willing to pay for titles that work with Windows Mobile 5.0. I just would like Microsoft to demonstrate some of that good old fashioned Midwest stick-to-it philosophy when it comes to their software. Realistically, however, it's hard for me to expect too much, when many of the blogs on (I have not checked them all) don't have a convienent alternate format that is readable on Pocket PC devices. Why is it that Microsoft hasn't taken a page out of the Pocket PC Thoughts book and developed formats for those blogs that are readable on desktop or pocket PCs??? It is really irritating. I mean, how hard can it be?? (I still consider the ability to use the forums sites here on my Pocket PC -- including my Treo -- to be the greatest example of catering to Pocket PCs. That work remains a true masterpiece!)
I also sad that one of my two most useful (non Microsoft) applications: Trip Tracker from Two Peaks does not appear that it will ever be revved. Maybe Mel Sampat is waiting for a buyer of that title now that he works for Microsoft...
Well, I guess I'll stop rambling on and let you get back to the subject at hand -- Microsoft Money.
07-25-2006, 08:04 AM
But upgrading to PPC soon.
I use MS Money on desktop and Ultrasoft Money on Plam.
I believe they sell a PPC version that syncs with Money.
I love the palm version
Anyone use Ultrasoft in PPC world particularly with Money 200x
07-25-2006, 09:41 AM
I'm still using Money 2005 - mainly because Microsoft haven't released a new version here in the UK.
Perry Reed
07-25-2006, 03:54 PM
I was using PPC Money until I upgraded to a PPC-6700 running WM5. PPC Money doesn't sync on WM5 (something about missing Access databases). I had heard that Money 2007 would support WM5, but I guess that was in error.
It's a shame that MS seems to vascillate between delivering fairly substandard mobile software (PPC Money, Pocket Streets, Outlook Mobile), to abandoning the platform altogether.
I was going to justify upgrading to Money 2007 because of the WM5 support, but without it, I can't see a good reason to do so. Let's face it, each subsequent version of Money is only marginally different than the previous.
07-25-2006, 04:15 PM
Bleh. I use PocketMoney ALL the time, writing down every expence into my PDA soon as I pay for it. Always found that to be very convenient, but in the last few years (been using it since MS Money 2004) I've always been annoyed that MS Money would come out in the summer, and a compatible Windows Mobile version would only come out 6 month later or so. Is SPB Finance or anything else out there compatible with MS Money and able to automatically sync with it?
Darius Wey
07-25-2006, 05:02 PM
Is SPB Finance or anything else out there compatible with MS Money and able to automatically sync with it?
Yes, Spb Finance synchronises with Microsoft Money (up to 2006). I'm assuming support for the 2007 version will come shortly.
Joseph Moon
07-25-2006, 05:31 PM
Will it let you park your "main" file on a network drive and then access it from two our three PCs without having to "explore" for it? I understand two to three users can't open at the same time. I just want to access on my laptop or main home PC while using Wifi.
Actually, you can do that. I have a several machines I use where I have money installed on each machine. Then I have all my data files in a directory which I map all my machines to - all the same way - including the machine that physically holds the directory. To me, it is drive Z:/... Then I go to each machine and tell all my applications that the data they are looking for is @ Z:/My Documents not C:/My Documents.
It is really very effective and has enabled me to mimic a network without a server for awhile...
I hope that method works for ya...
07-25-2006, 05:54 PM
Plus, I'm uncomfortable having my checking acct balances so easily available from it (people always ask to "check out" my pocket pc and go through the applications to see what it can do).
Cash Organizer has password protection.
I use Quicken on the Desktop.
I just checked and tested both Pocket Quicken and SPB Finance-Quicken (can't make up my mind which one I like best) for the Password option. Both have it. I tried it and both work great. And they are going to stay password protected.
Denis Khitrov
07-25-2006, 07:44 PM
New update for Spb Finance with support of MM2007 is already in internal testing. We plan to start beta very soon - one of the these days.
(I'll post extra message here in forum)
Denis Khitrov
07-26-2006, 04:08 PM
Beta testing program of Spb Finance 2.6 is started.
You can register here:
Main changes are related to support of synchronization with Microsoft Money 2007.
07-26-2006, 06:41 PM
I have only learned of microsoft money from the pocket pc version which came free with my pda. I gave it a try one day to keep track of my check card and I love it. I use it all the time, I unfortinately don't have the money to buy money and without pda support have no reason to now. kinda funny how ms make windows mobile and ms money but how they stopped supporting the one for the other, who knows maybe they are getting ready for the new mobile os that's due out next year.
I was going to justify upgrading to Money 2007 because of the WM5 support, but without it, I can't see a good reason to do so. Let's face it, each subsequent version of Money is only marginally different than the previous.
Ditto - there goes any interest in upgrading MS Money to the 2007 version - time to turn off the pop reminder.
On a positive note, I am instead going to take a look at Spb Finance. Pocket Money is truly bare bones and I wasn't paying attention to the Spb bulletins (use many of their other applications) to realize Spb Finance also syncs with MS Money.
07-27-2006, 06:48 PM
Oh man... I was anticipating for a new Money 2007 released for WM5. Shattered dreams... :|
07-28-2006, 01:54 AM
I'd imagine the chief reason behind their actions are to push people towards the new tablet PCs. MS has abandoned SW or features on certain platforms before, while continuing to support it on their own latest, greatest app or platform, so that would be true to form.
Well that would be incredibly dumb of them. No matter how good Tablet PC is, if you can't stick it in your shirt pocket & take it with you then it's not good.
Darius Wey
07-28-2006, 04:03 PM
Oh man... I was anticipating for a new Money 2007 released for WM5. Shattered dreams... :|
On the plus side, there are plenty of good third-party applications to make up for that loss. :)
Madoc Owain
07-28-2006, 07:21 PM
I use Money on my desktop, and I like Pocket Money - but I no longer use it, because I've run into too many corrupted Money databases. Just a simple hiccup in ActiveSync, such as changing the setting from sync all transactions to sync only the past four weeks (and I've had this happen several times) is enough to hose the entire works. Who knows, maybe somebody launched a class action suit for this very reason. More likely, Microsoft determined they can't figure out a way to solve the problems with syncing a database.
See, that's ridiculous. You shouldn't lose a database for a simple change like that. What am I supposed to do, back it up to another location in Static RAM before docking the PPC, just in case the database croaks?
What's Reason #2? My PocketQuicken on my Apple Newton still works fine, and my financial data never hits an unsecure network or PC. Ever. Sure, I can't download my transactions from the bank, but then, I don't have to pay for that service, either. Little trade-offs.
Good to know that when my Newton finally dies, my alternative is either paper-and-pencil ledger, or an old, non-networkable version of Quicken for the PC.
07-28-2006, 08:18 PM
Having access to my budget data is one of the features I've missed for several years now after switching from PalmOS to the Pocket PC platform. I previously used Ultrasoft Money for the PalmOS and I thought it was great. I liked being able to look specifically at monthly budget allocations as I had set them up in the desktop version of Money and also being able to run mini-reports about how much I had spent in those categories during the month...
I had been putting off upgrading to a newer version of MS Money than the 2004 version I'm using now until a new version came out with a version of Money for WM5. Looks like I don't have any compelling reason to upgrade at this point....
you know, in all these years I have never publicly slammed Microsoft.. but now its a real joke.. MS want to push their platform, blah blah blah.. etc and then themselves stop supporting it in their applications.
Bunch of morons. I hope more companies like Apple come along and start to take the big share of the Pie from MS
MS can suck "it"
Mark from Canada
07-28-2006, 09:28 PM
I use Money on my desktop, and I like Pocket Money - but I no longer use it, because I've run into too many corrupted Money databases...
That's why I stopped using it. They said both the desktop and PPC versions need to be closed to sync... Too much hassle.
I would love to have Money on the PPC again and a reliable sync - but it seems that with the killing of the database sync which many small developers relied on - and now this - and no easy way to sync any data to the PocketPC at all Microsoft is trying to tell us that only always connected devices and servers with Microsoft SQL Server (the full version) are in the future of the PocketPC and all users.
Kinda sad that Microsoft tries to kill many applications for the PPC.
Ed Hansberry
07-28-2006, 10:53 PM
you know, in all these years I have never publicly slammed Microsoft.. but now its a real joke.. MS want to push their platform, blah blah blah.. etc and then themselves stop supporting it in their applications.
Bunch of morons. I hope more companies like Apple come along and start to take the big share of the Pie from MS
MS can suck "it"
kiwi, please don't hold back. we encourage people to say what they feel and not keep things all bottled up. :lol:
07-29-2006, 02:57 AM
Sounds like a reason to get Money 2006 secondhand. :) So I just bid on one!
07-31-2006, 03:40 PM
Are there any other good programs for the pocket pc other than Spb Finance or that Cash Organizer (that will sync with Money 2007?) This might be a dumb question, but does Pocket Quicken sync with Money? I assume not, but you never know....
08-24-2006, 06:34 AM
Good bye Money, hello SPB Finance. I'm thinking maybe the reason MS stopped working on Pocket Money was because compared to the other financial software I tried recently, theirs is a waste of time for them to code. I've settled on SPB Finance recently, since I can still use it to see a list of my accounts on the Today Screen and quickly enter new purchases, just like in Pocket Money. It's a bit more bloated, though, and for some reason synching takes way too long, but oh well. It works.
I am using money 2004 on my desktop and it syncs fine on my Dell x51v running WM5. I can't imagine why microsoft would want to drop this functionaliity- its one of my main uses for my axim.
09-30-2006, 09:29 AM
HI, i have downloaded the trial version of spb finace for MMoney(could be the cause of my problem?), and i cannot get it to sync with Money 2006 at all. the problem is that when i try to sync for the first time spb keeps asking for a password even though my money file is not protected!!!!, so i thought maybe you need a password and so set one up on my money 2006, re-installed the spb finace and when it came to the password it rejected the chosen password i had assinged!!!! and i have tried this 5+ times!!! but always the same result. i am doing something stupid here, any help would be appricited. for info i am using active sync 4.2 and using a o2 XDA exec, with WM 5.
cheers in advance
09-30-2006, 03:46 PM
Rather than hijacking a totally unrelated thread, I think you should post a new thread in the appropriate forum.
10-01-2006, 11:04 PM
"Rather than hijacking a totally unrelated thread, I think you should post a new thread in the appropriate forum."
I am missing something here?, I once (like many posters on this thread) owned a WM 2003 device and used the free MS money for PPC, and again like many people in this thread am totally annoyed that my most frequently used PPC program is now not available. Again like many people on this thread I have downloaded SPB Finance for MMoney, and as this thread is along the lines of complications and lack of communication between handheld finance program and desktop program I thought maybe someone here has experienced the problem I have. I cannot possibly think of a more related thread to post on. But thank you for your valued contribution.
10-02-2006, 12:53 AM
You know what, I must have really been distracted and otherwise in a foul mood when I wrote that. I was pretty far off base. No hard feelings I hope.
02-07-2007, 05:26 AM
Completely and totally unbelievable. I blame it on the abomination named WMDC.
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