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View Full Version : I've Finally Fixed My ActiveStync Problems!!

Brad Adrian
07-22-2006, 09:16 PM
This information may be buried in the tons of posts here, but it's taken me HOURS of searching to find it, so I'm passing it along just in case you haven't seen it...

I used to have very few problems with AS, until recently. I started getting synch errors, disconnections, etc. Then, I read a post about how some Today screen add-ins that use auto-update can cause this problem.

Long story short, I didn't have any add-ins, but I DID have a new newsreader that was set to auto-update every sync. Once I changed the settings, BAM! my AS problems went bye-bye.

Hope this helps.

07-23-2006, 09:36 PM

Could you provide the link please! Thank you.

This information may be buried in the tons of posts here, but it's taken me HOURS of searching to find it, so I'm passing it along just in case you haven't seen it...

I used to have very few problems with AS, until recently. I started getting synch errors, disconnections, etc. Then, I read a post about how some Today screen add-ins that use auto-update can cause this problem.

Long story short, I didn't have any add-ins, but I DID have a new newsreader that was set to auto-update every sync. Once I changed the settings, BAM! my AS problems went bye-bye.

Hope this helps.

Brad Adrian
07-24-2006, 12:58 AM
It's actually drawn from several posts and threads on aximsite.com. The best I can suggest is to go there and do a search using:

x51v activesync today add-in error

You'll get about 20 threads that all kinda converge on the same idea, that apps that perform auto-updates whenever the device is connected can create bottlenecks that shut things down.