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View Full Version : Best software for listening to podcasts?

Jeff Kirvin
07-17-2006, 05:22 AM
I just switched from a Treo 650 to a PPC-6700 and I need some advice. On the Treo, I used Pocket Tunes for listening to podcasts, and loved how it always remembered where I left off (many of the podcasts I listen to are over an hour long and I can't listen to the whole thing at once).

On the Pocket PC, I've tried WMP (obviously), Pocket Player and MortPlayer. WMP is horrible at saving my place, but the other two at least try. The problem, near as I can tell, is that if they get closed by the system when it does memory cleanup, they don't remember the resume point for the MP3 I had open.

So. Any ideas on a program that will flawlessly remember where I left off in a large MP3 or how to make either Pocket Player or MortPlayer actually resume properly?

Thanks in advance.


07-17-2006, 11:31 AM
One other program you may want to try is TCPMP. It appears to save the position, but I haven't tested it when it was killed by the system.

If you find one, please let me know your tests on all media players so I can add your information to the Pocket PC Media Chart:

Also, if you need a program to download audio and video podcasts directly to your device without using a desktop, you may want to try FeederReader!

Greg Smith
Author, FeederReader - Windows Mobile direct news, blogs, audio, video, podcasts
www.FeederReader.com - Download on the Road

Jeff Kirvin
07-17-2006, 01:57 PM
TCPMP doesn't seem to save my position reliably either. I'd actually tried that first and had already ruled it out.

As for FeederReader, it looks nice and since I have EVDO I could easily download 'casts straight to my device and bypass the PC, but it looks like I have to register it to get authentication. Most of the podcasts I listen to require a userid and password, and I'm hesitant to pay for that without trying it first (several desktop-based aggregators I've tried say they support authentication but don't work with the casts I have).

07-17-2006, 02:45 PM
Registration on the Forums is free, then you'll be able to try it out without cost. FeederReader supports HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for both RSS Feeds and Online OPML files. If you find that it doesn't work, please let me know. The trial should allow authentication during the 20-day evaluation. If you have difficulty with the trial, then let me know and I can issue you a full License Key for evaluation.

Greg Smith
Author, FeederReader - Windows Mobile direct news, blogs, audio, video, podcasts
www.FeederReader.com - Download on the Road