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View Full Version : VITO ButtonMapper + MacroRecorder?

07-12-2006, 12:16 PM
Anyone here use this so-called MacroRecorder please? After installing ButtonMapper and playing with it for a while it seems to me that it only allows you to run a single tap (or tap and hold) by assigning a button to that. IOW, a trivial task in exchange for a valuable button.

However, promisingly, Vito Macro Recorder was also installed. But how the heck do you use it? For a start, there's no program shortcut anywhere. With Resco Explorer I located \Program Files\VITO\MacroRecorder\MacroRecorder.exe and placed it on my Start Menu for convenience.

I could get nowhere with the Vito Support enquiry page at http://www.vitotechnology.com/en/support/ (not least because there apears to be just a single line allowed for the message!), so maybe somene here can help please?

Is there any documentation on it anywhere? I find a Help file on uttonMapper, but not MacroRecorder.

FWIW, here are results of my own dabbling:

On running that shortcut it displays a message 'Complete necessary setup operations and press OK'. Does that mean "Perform the operations you want to capture"? Assuming that was the case, I experimentally
- Opened Pocket Music
- Activated the Playlist window
- Cleared existing entries
-etc, etc

Then I clicked OK in the MacroRecorder window. It closed, leaving a little red box icon in the middle of my PocketMusic screen. I closed PM down, and the button remained on my Today screen. I clicked it and was asked to give it a name. It then disappeared. Fine - but how do I now run that macro?

Terry, West Sussex, UK

07-12-2006, 01:58 PM
Well, I reckon after further experiment that I've answered my key question. You can run the macro by finding the LNK file (again, I used the inavluable Resco Explorer) and executing it.

Can't believe there's no structured instructions though, and not even a Macro Recorder in Program Files...

Terry, West Sussex, UK

08-01-2006, 10:15 AM
When you tapped the red dot you finished recording your macros. There is a manual at the program page: http://www.vitotechnology.com/manual/buttonmapper/

08-07-2006, 12:44 PM
Thanks. I subsequently got a bit further, but - for time being at least - have abandoned it, as I found it erratic and rather hard to use.

Terry, West Sussex, UK

09-14-2006, 07:12 PM
Hi, just came across your thread here... I was wondering if you resolved the problem with Macro Recorder. I find that it simply does not work at all. As soon as I go into the recording mode, the calibration on the screen is lost, so the taps are not registered correctly. I have to do a soft reset before I can get the PPC to function again.

I have a WM5 HTC Wizard.


09-15-2006, 05:21 AM
Yes, the problem is fixed with this device (VITO ButtonMapper 4.0). For some devices that have screen calibration problem there is a solution at ButtonMapper FAQ on our site http://www.vitotechnology.com/en/support/buttonmapperfaq.html

09-15-2006, 10:12 PM
Konstantin, thanks for the reply. I am already using the latest version of the button mapper with macro recorder. Just to be sure, I again downloaded and reinstalled the software from your site. No use.

There is no real "fix" in the FAQ other than the suggestion to install the new software. Otherwise, it asks me to take some screenshots and send to the same email address that I sent email to before (and got no reply).

I have now sent Ramil an email with the 5 screen shots and the OEM string ("WIZA100") as instructed in the FAQ. Hope this helps.

I guess the macro recording feature is very hard to implement or something.


09-16-2006, 05:46 AM
Yes, Kal. That's because of different screen settings on different devices. You will soon receive from Ramil a version compatible with your device.

09-18-2006, 06:45 AM
Hi, Konstantin! Ramil sent me a new ini file, and it fixed the problem (at least I think so, after a quick test; it recorded and played back a simple macro, and did not require a reboot!)

Thanks for the responsiveness. :D

For those with the same device as me (HTC Wizard 100), and don't want to wait to get a fix, here is the simple fix: In the Macro Recorder folder, there is an ini file, which has the screen metrics for various devices. One of them is for the Wizard 200, which is identified by WIZA200. You can simply change the line to read WIZA100, and it should now work for this device.
