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View Full Version : Connect through WiFi first, then GPRS

Keith Layton
06-22-2006, 02:49 PM
Okay... I have been messing around with this and can not figure it out thanks to the wonderful UI of WM2003 for wireless.

What I am trying to do is sync my Axim X50V with Exchange over WiFi when it is available (like when I am in the office) and GPRS other times. The sync works great over each system individually, but when I set it up to automatically connect and sync via Bluetooth to my GPRS (RAZR), it will do this regardless, even if I am already connected to WiFi (in the office).

Basically, I want my Axim to be able to realize it has an internet connection and not establish a new one through GPRS (which costs).

Honestly, I have never really understood the "connections" tab fully in settings so I may be missing something simple, but this is driving me nuts. There has to be a way for it to work.

Any help is appreciated!

Nurhisham Hussein
06-23-2006, 02:24 AM
The basic problem here is that while the Bluetooth Manager automatically changes the network connection settings for you...but it doesn't change them back when you close it.

My solution has always been to manually change the network settings (I have 7 different profiles, depending on connection type and location) each time as required. There are ways to save on the number of clicks, and you can automate the whole process with a script engine, but it doesn't get around the fact that to access different network types you have to change the network connection settings yourself.