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View Full Version : HTC Universal or ETEN M600+

06-20-2006, 03:42 PM
Yeah so that is the decision, if money doesn't matter. Which do you all think is a better device? An htc universal or an M600+. Both of them have the features I need, I would just like to know what yalls oppinions of the device's are.
I have read many reviews on them.

06-20-2006, 04:26 PM
HTC Universal is a tri band and M600+ is a quad band if I remember. So, If you are using cingular Universal may not be the choice.
I have been using M600+ and I am very happy with it. It has 2 Mega pixel camera with lot of goodies. Reception is superb and and quite fast and faster than other windows 5.0 devices in my experience.
No key board though.
I hope it helps.

06-20-2006, 09:36 PM
They are very very different devices. You need to list your requirements before any meaningful advice can be given.


06-21-2006, 12:28 AM
Surur, I am not looking for a device to fit my needs. I have found a device to fit my needs. They both fit it. I am just asking user's oppinions. Main, obvious, specifications aside, which devise is of better quality? I wan't to know things about the device that just specifications wouldn't show.

Not alot of offense intended, but if you are going to make a post, 1:Make it applicable to the person's first question and 2: Don't make it something that everyone else allways says that the person allready knows.