06-19-2006, 11:51 PM
I have an axim X5 300mhz and being a regular user of blender 3d I stumbled across this port over of it for pocket pc[/url]http://russose.free.fr/. I have looked through there forum and seen that someone ran it on a axim x5 400mhz. So I downloaded the regular file from the download page transfered it onto the compact flash drive and ran it from file explorer On my Axim but instead of running I got the error messageBlenderPocket.exe or one of its components can not be found make sure you have all the required libraries installedOr something along those lines. So I went back to the forums and went down to the test build section and found a version for winCE 2002. So I figured that would solve my problem so I downloaded it and did the same thing with the new file and still got the same error message. Please someone let me know what I could possibly doing wrong. Or even if you have an Axim X5 . Try it and see if you can get it to work. I could really use this program. thanx in advance.