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06-15-2006, 07:58 PM
Another one question... :D
I'm using NewsBreak to receive the RSS feeder... but I have observed that it is quite invasive... It puts many process in the notify queue and in the startup... so... althoughts I think NewsBreak is a good software... I'm trying a program more light for the system... Do you suggest me anything?

Thanks in advamce!


Ilium Software
06-19-2006, 06:52 PM
Another one question... :D
I'm using NewsBreak to receive the RSS feeder... but I have observed that it is quite invasive... It puts many process in the notify queue and in the startup... so... althoughts I think NewsBreak is a good software... I'm trying a program more light for the system... Do you suggest me anything?

Thanks in advamce!


Hey Stefano,

NewsBreak registers for certain notifications in order to update the feeds and to take advantage of network connectivity when it is available. On WM5 only two notifications are registered, and on WM 2003 there are no more than four registrations. If you are seeing more than four entries for NewsBreak in the notifications queue you may be a victim of a WM 2003 bug that duplicates notification entries whenever the device is reset. There should be just one NewsBreak process running the vast majority of the time. A second process will run momentarily when one of the registered event occurs, in order to inform NewsBreak that it is time to do an update. NewsBreak does not install anything in the startup folder at all.

You can eliminate all of these notifications by turning off automatic updates, but I think you'll find that any application that updates automatically requires notifications like this, and you should not see any performance issues with having these notifications registered. If you're having a specific problem or if there is something specific about the way
NewsBreak is installed that is bothering you, please send us the details and we'll try to shed more light on the situation.

Marc Tassin
Ilium Software
+1 (734) 973-9388

06-20-2006, 07:45 PM
Thank you very much for your reply, Marc.
I have reinstalled NewsBreak on my Qtek S200 and I noticed, for now, anyone problem. Before I had a hx2795 (with WM5) and althought I had remove the autoupdate and the verify of the connection, I had 2 NewsBreak files on startup and anytime I performed a soft reset, one notification queue duplicate itself (but I was on WM5 and not 2003!).
So, now I'm testing NewsBreak on my Qtek S200 WM5 and It seems that it's all right.
What can it be happening with my previous device?


Ilium Software
06-20-2006, 08:05 PM
What can it be happening with my previous device?


Unfortunately it is really tough to say. There are just too many possible factors for me to offer a definitive answer.

I'm glad you are back up and running now though!

Marc Tassin
Ilium Software
+1 (734) 973-9388

06-20-2006, 08:13 PM
Thank you for your time and support Marc! :wink:


06-21-2006, 02:49 AM
Hey Marc, i have a feature request for the next version.

* AutoImport from a local directory

Ilium Software
06-21-2006, 01:04 PM

You can import from an OPML file right now with NewsBreak (just click "New" then select "Import from a file or URL (OPML)"). Or is there something different that you're looking for?

Marc Tassin
Ilium Software
+1 (734) 973-9388

06-21-2006, 01:39 PM
Or is there something different that you're looking for?
Yes my RSS ReGenerator has an option to copy all generated rss feeds to a certain directory for syncing via ActiveSync. If u place the PPC in the cradle ActiveSync copies all files in that directory to a subdir in My Documents.
We use Newsbreak to read those feeds but currently we have to manually change the path to the Channelfile "HKCU\Software\Ilium Software\NewsBreak\ChannelFilePath" to point to our own one in "My Documents\RSS".

The problem is that its always a spot of work to add a new feed and there are some settings like itemCount="25" newItemCount="0" matchCount="0" we dont know and cant add.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<opml version="1.0">
<options openCat="1" autoUpdate="0" updateTime="60"/><keywordList/></head>
<body nextID="999">
<outline type="rss" text="Aldis" uniqueID="135">
<outline text="Aldi Nord" uniqueID="136" fileName="aldi_nord.xml" xmlUrl="http://nix.de/rss/test.xml" type="rss"/>
<outline text="Aldi Süd" uniqueID="137" fileName="aldi_sued.xml" xmlUrl="http://nix.de/rss/test.xml" type="rss"/>

Ilium Software
06-27-2006, 02:19 PM
Hey DHM,

Sorry for the slow reply. I've passed your notes along to our development folks so that they can look at it. Not sure that this will get added but this is the first step!

Marc Tassin
Ilium Software
+1 (734) 973-9388

And be sure check out our new blog! http://blog.iliumsoft.com/