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View Full Version : HP iPAQ h6315 looking to fix a problem

06-12-2006, 03:44 AM
Does anybody know how to go further the aligh screen on an HP iPAQ H6315? I reset it and can't skip the align screen, I tap on tag and all it does is go the four corners to come back to center and start again. I reset it even full and it keeps doing the same thing.

06-13-2006, 01:33 PM
This might seem obvious but please make sure that you are truly tapping the crosshairs perfectly while trying to align the screen during setup. If you are doing this properly and it still will not proceed past this point in the setup there is probably something wrong with the device. You can try hard resets or a ROM upgrade but you may end up needing a replacement/repair.

06-15-2006, 06:50 AM
This might seem obvious but please make sure that you are truly tapping the crosshairs perfectly while trying to align the screen during setup. If you are doing this properly and it still will not proceed past this point in the setup there is probably something wrong with the device. You can try hard resets or a ROM upgrade but you may end up needing a replacement/repair.

Thanks Silver5 I followed your advice I shipped it to PPC Techs fo repair.

06-15-2006, 08:39 PM
I have not heard about this problem before, but if it is still within the return time, I would advise you to return it ASAP. Sorry. Here are my very biased reasons: I had that PPC (the European version, I believe it was called 6340) and am glad I got rid of it. I fell in love with it when my bro. in law got it, so I bought one as well. I had nothing but problems with it. Sending SMSes did not work 90% of the time, it did not work in the US though presumably quadband (and I tried customer support and the newest firmware),and at times I did not receive calls. His was even worse;it kept shutting off and hard-resetting itself. They sent him a replacement with broken speakers. Nothing but trashy units.

For the first time, I turned my back on HP and am very happy with my MDA Pro!
