View Full Version : Your Wallet or Your Pocket PC?
Jon Westfall
06-10-2006, 07:00 AM
Imagine for a moment that you've been attacked by a gang of vile criminals. They offer you the choice of having your wallet taken by force or your pocket pc. You can't fight them off, and they are "mean" looking enough that you believe they'll seperate you from your belongings. Which one do you give up?<br /><br />Or perhaps I should phrase the question differently: Assuming the cost of the device is no issue (it's theft / loss insured), what is more valuable to you, your wallet or your Pocket PC?<br /><br />The reason I ask was that I recently have the revelation that my most valuable daily-carry item was no longer my wallet. My wallet has largely become a vestige of the non-digital world. All the information in my wallet (i.e. credit card numbers, drivers license number) are in my eWallet on my device, and photo copied and stored at home. While I carry around some emergency cash in case I'm stranded somewhere that doesn't take credit cards or checks, the money isn't the issue - it's more the fact that I believe that losing my Pocket PC would be more of a headache than losing my wallet - a thought that 5 years ago I would have scoffed at! So what's more valuable to you, and are you suprised by your answer?
06-10-2006, 07:05 AM
My Pocket PC is infinitely more valuable.
The current (and usual) contents of my wallet are as follows:
- BC ID card (easy enough to replace)
- post-it note with the dimensions of my Tablet PC, in case I'm ever in a store that sells reasonable-looking and reasonable-quality bags (I have the same note in Outlook and on my Pocket PC)
- Interac card (easy enough to replace)
- Save-on-More card (easy enough to replace)
- 2 x $10 bills
06-10-2006, 07:29 AM
PPC of course!!! It would be the perfect excuse to get a new one!!
06-10-2006, 08:05 AM
I'm almost guaranteed to fight. If someone is going to take something from me they can bleed while trying it...
06-10-2006, 08:49 AM
My PPC is more valueable of course. Though, I might just fight....
06-10-2006, 09:11 AM
My wallet is more valueable, "everything" inside it:
and by "everything" I mean:
- ID's Cards (Population card (CPR) +ID card+Driving licernse card)
- Bank Cards (2 of them)
- Work ID card
- Helath Insurance card + Medical Service Provider Directory + my family clinic card
- stamp size pictures
- some family pictures
some cash in diffrent Currency (just in case)
my PPC can be replaced over and over again >>> (I have all my data in my laptop and backup CD's)
06-10-2006, 12:09 PM
wallet is way more valuable. While I do keep a lot of id's, passwords, etc on my ppc it's all encypted and password protected. No chance the thieves will get at it.
But the wallet has all my credit cards, ID cards, and probably some cash. At the very least they could gain a lot personal info about me from my wallet - and identity theft is not fun.
06-10-2006, 12:13 PM
what's a "wallet"? I seem to recall that my father once had this piece of leather that he kept money in.
Working for a major US corporation, I have no need of a folder to keep my money in: everyone knows Americans corporations follow the Wal-Mart business model and don't actually pay their employees sufficiently for people to have "spending money" anymore. :wink:
06-10-2006, 12:47 PM
My case for my i700 holds my drivers license and a credit card. I searched pretty thoroughly to find a case where I could do that. There's a selection of other cards as well, like my medical insurance card.
My i700 holds all my passwords and quite a bit of other sensitive data. It truly is a PDA to me.
My wallet is getting obsolete - holding cash and a few things that are used very infrequently.
Crazy thought: since my stylus is now routinely falling out of its slot, why not replace it with a MetalStorm style gun barrel? :twisted:
How can you get along without a driver's license? I can just see showing my pocket pc to a cop! And showing my credit card number to a business to scan? Makes no sense to me. I'll give up my ppc, which I can replace. I don't store that kind of stuff on it.
06-10-2006, 02:10 PM
As valuable as my Pocket PC (or Smartphone, as I carry that around much more often) is, there's at least a little layer of encryption for the criminals to break before having all of my personal data. With my wallet, nothing - they'd have all my personal data instantly. At least with my Pocket PC/Smartphone, they'd first have to break the device PIN, and then break into my FlexWallet. Sure these are both posible, but unless I were some rich and powerful person (someday... someday... ;)), they'd probably pawn the device before going to the trouble of hiring someone to hack the device.
A little security's better than none. My wallet is definitely more valuable.
06-10-2006, 04:03 PM
The problem with losing a wallet is the infinite pain of replacing the items in it, such as a driver's license, credit cards, bank cards, etc. you have to call each agency to report them lost, which means they are all then cancelled, and new ones are issued, all taking time. My pocket pc contents, though valuable, are backed up and encrypted. Losing it just means about an hour spent bringing one back up.
Steve Jordan
06-10-2006, 04:17 PM
Well, both items can be replaced, and I back-up everything on my PPC. But on a practical basis, it'll cost me a lot more to replace the PPC itself than my wallet and its contents. Sure, it might cost me a trip to the DMV for my driver's licence, but everything else is a phone call and mail drop away. I can definitely lose the wallet.
And heck, if they ever work out a way to store a scannable version of my licence and bank card on my PPC, I only need a money clip for cash!
06-10-2006, 04:56 PM
I'm giving up my wallet. The wallet is less hassle to be without and less hassle to replace. My PPC is also my cell phone.
Sure, I have to spend the time calling to cancel cards, wait for replacements, and get a new license. But most of my cards can reported stolen online, and my most important card--my bank card--can be replaced right at my local branch.
All the information regarding my cards is all stored in the PPC in FlexWallet, so as long as I have it, no matter where I am, I have access to the numbers and websites I need to use to report them lost.
I'd rather spend half a day making the calls to cancel the cards and get a new license, versus spending $50 and X days waiting for a replacement PPC, considering I have a converged device so its also my cell phone.
06-10-2006, 05:02 PM
For me, no answer applies, because I have an "integrated" device! :lol:
My Pocket PC in its Lodis case is my wallet.
06-10-2006, 05:36 PM
Haven't carried a wallet for years; a bank card and BC ID in a pants pocket or compartment of a shoulderbag is about all, with a bit of loose cash floating around somewhere. My PPC is the main item of value I carry.
Which brings me to why I'm replying here. What kind of polite 'gang' is this? As I understand it, criminals take what they can get, they don't let you keep anything of obvious value. And since it is extremely unlikely that any of us could win a battle against 3 or more attackers, PPC, wallet, and whatever else would just be taken. The premise is quaint, but unrealistic.
06-10-2006, 05:51 PM
I would give up my wallet.
I recently lost my wallet. It had 1 credit card, drivers license, building access card, and $40. I reported the credit card stolen in minutes and filed for a new license online. My access badge was replaced the next business day.
I refer to my PPC a lot more than my wallet. I use my wallet mostly to get into my company's building. Occasionally, I buy something with the credit card. Most online purchases, I use eWallet
BTW, I found my wallet the same day my replacement credit card arrived. It was in a pants pocket. If it was my PPC, I would have heard one of my periodic alarms. Better yet, I could call it since it is a phone edition. I couldn't call my wallet.
Here thief, take the stupid wallet. Replacing my PPC would cost more time and money.
Jon Westfall
06-10-2006, 06:05 PM
Which brings me to why I'm replying here. What kind of polite 'gang' is this? As I understand it, criminals take what they can get, they don't let you keep anything of obvious value. And since it is extremely unlikely that any of us could win a battle against 3 or more attackers, PPC, wallet, and whatever else would just be taken. The premise is quaint, but unrealistic.
I never claimed it to be realistic ;)
If you want a different scenario, how about this:
You're walking along the bridge of death, across the gorge of eternal peril ( when it breaks. You have your pocket PC in one hand, wallet in the other, no pockets, and a loop of rope under on armpit as you dangle precariously. Which do you drop to grab the rope and climb up - the wallet or the pocket pc?
Perhaps equally as unrealistic...
Jason Dunn
06-10-2006, 06:07 PM
Well, I'd like to think that I'd fight. I'm itching to try some of the moves I've seen on the Ultimate Fighter. :lol:
However, if the cause was lost, I'd give up my Smartphone or Pocket PC (whichever I happened to be carrying). The data on there is a replication of data on my PC, meaning the only value is that of the hardware. When I think about my wallet and all the analog content, the cost and hassle of having to replace it all makes it more valuable, because my time means a great deal to me. Digital data is easy to replace/replicate, analog data is not.
06-10-2006, 06:19 PM
I'd give them my PPC, because:
1) even though it costs much more than the contents of my wallet, the question was posed for me to ignore it.
2) I can't live without my driver's license and my student card.
06-10-2006, 06:20 PM
I'd be more willing to give up my PPC...that said, they could also "take" a few of my bullets as well...
Sven Johannsen
06-10-2006, 06:32 PM
In my hypothetical situation I have Pat Morita with me, and he kicks their butts. :D
I'd keep the wallet. Got plenty of PPCs. Insurance would likely cover the lost one. The data is backed up. The sensitive stuff is encrypted. Gee it would be cool to have that remote wipe. Doesn't wipe the SD, but they just get music, maps, and pictures there.
For Gerard, I have a friend who was robbed in the Philippines when he was a Merchant Marine. He asked if they would leave him enough cab fare to get back to the ship. They did. There are some courteous crooks around ;)
06-10-2006, 07:15 PM
That's amazingly cool of those robbers! Almost sounds like honour or something. Perhaps the motive in letting him keep cab fare was that it reduced the odds of his reporting their crime to the police?
Obviously the loss of the device itself is trivial compared to one's safety. But I rely so heavily and constantly upon my PPC, the databases and files therein, that the loss would be a major setback. That's because I'm usually not in a financial position to just buy a new one. Sure, I have backups, lots of kinds of backups. But what good does that do me without a device upon which to access them? Is my PC going to remind me of a client coming over for a repair while I'm out shopping with my wife? How is my PC going to give me a phone number when I need it, away from home? My cellphone is so far unable to synch numbers - Motorola's software is amazingly bad - so I have just a few dozen entered manually. Next time I'll buy a phone with infrared or Bluetooth, but for now USB is all I have, and without synching for that my PPC is my phone directory.
What I'm saying is that this is all highly subjective, depending absolutely on individual situations. Sven and Jason can easily regard their hardware as trivial, because they get the stuff in piles owing to their positions in the PPC community. For someone like me or ctmagnus or anyone not so privileged, it's a long time between new PPCs.
06-10-2006, 07:23 PM
What I'm saying is that this is all highly subjective, depending absolutely on individual situations. Sven and Jason can easily regard their hardware as trivial, because they get the stuff in piles owing to their positions in the PPC community. For someone like me or ctmagnus or anyone not so privileged, it's a long time between new PPCs.
But like Sven just mentioned, insurance would probably cover a lost Pocket PC. I'm in no position to instantly buy a new Pocket PC/Smartphone if it were stolen, but I still stand by my decision that my wallet would be more valuable. At least on my Pocket PC/Smartphone, I'd have (most of) the data backed up on my PC. I'd be able to tell almost exactly what personal data the criminal had about me, and I would immediately change my passwords, PINs, etc. That's a lot easier than going to get new bank cards, drivers license, credit cards, etc. Sure I wouldn't have instant reminders until I obtained a new Pocket PC/Smartphone, but I'd live with that for awhile. In the end, a lot less harm would be done if they took my Pocket PC/Smarthpone vs. my wallet.
06-10-2006, 07:32 PM
I have nothing of value, secret or sensitve on my PDA.
My wallet contains all the ID cards I have to carry - so drivers license, work permit and permanant resident card. Then I have a couple of credit cards and a load of business cards. The ID cards are a huge pain to replace, the rest is nothing important.
They can have my PDA.
06-10-2006, 10:24 PM
They can have what they want after I empty my trusty Smith & Wesson!!
06-10-2006, 10:30 PM
...Make my day, punk!
Just try to take either from me. I may get my butt kicked in the end, but I will make sure they walk away with a limp. ;)
06-11-2006, 03:50 AM
It took me a while to decide this one, but then I realized that my PPC PE's virtual wallet has all of the contact information I need to inform credit card companies, request insurance cards, etc. I almost never carry much, if any cash, so I figure they can have my wallet. In a few days, I'll have everything replaced. If they take my PPC, I've lost months of work notes, scads of contact data, my calendar, my tasks list, my phone, AND my virtual wallet.
Sven Johannsen
06-11-2006, 04:07 AM
Sven and Jason can easily regard their hardware as trivial, because they get the stuff in piles owing to their positions in the PPC community. That's only partially accurate, and piles is an exaggeration. The stuff I carry and depend on is typically the stuff I paid for, because I chose it. I have chosen a lot over the years. I'm just blessed with a reasonable amount of disposable income and an understanding wife.
06-11-2006, 04:18 AM
I've had my wallet stolen. I'd much rather lose my Axim. Unless you've been through the process, you cannot believe how much of a headache it is to report stolen credit cards and the like.
I tried place a fraud alert on my credit report and only one company made this possible over the phone.
Jon Westfall
06-11-2006, 04:54 AM
I've had my wallet stolen. I'd much rather lose my Axim. Unless you've been through the process, you cannot believe how much of a headache it is to report stolen credit cards and the like.
I tried place a fraud alert on my credit report and only one company made this possible over the phone.
I guess this all varies across credit cards and such. I lost my Discover card last christmas (the clerk failed to give it back to me), and since I had used that number so many times over the internet to order goods I decided it would be better to get a new card rather than try to track down the old one. I called Discover and the agent (Who was more upset and concerned over the lost card than I was) quickly got the card cancelled and a new one sent out via UPS 2-day service!
In the US, the key to not worrying (as much) about credit fraud is not to have your social security number on anything you carry daily, as most (if not all) credit card and loan apps will need this number. Thankfully many states have stopped putting the SS number on drivers licenses, and many colleges / universities have stopped using it as the student ID number.
The only time I've actually had a case of fraud involving my credit cards was actually with my bank debit card (I've since decided never to use my debit card online if possible). My bank was pretty dumb about the whole thing (I went to the branch and told the woman I needed a new card & number, she couldn't understand for the life of me why I wanted a new number when someone had just used that number to buy a piece of $60 software online!), but eventually got me the new cards. The software vendor, however, was extremely accomodating. Since I'd caught it within 48 hours (I check my online banking every 2 - 3 days), I'd contacted them before it was shipped out. They not only charged back the money, they also provided me with the shipping address and name the person who used my card had provided them. If it had been closer, I would have gone down there and dispensed some justice! :twisted:
Overall I'm amazed at how there is no consenus on this "Thought"! Maybe next week I'll make it "Your Pocket PC or your wife" and see if we can get some interesting posts... ;)
06-11-2006, 05:36 AM
It probably really depends on how old you are. I think the older you get, the more stuff you find you have to carry around.
My wallet has no money in it. Just cards. Driver's licence, medical card, people's business cards, your credit cards and various other cards you accumulate take forever to replace.
You lose a credit or check card, it's weeks before you have that card to use again. Driver's Licence? If you're in a big city, it's half a day at the local DMV. And now someone has your driver's licence number. A criminal in particular. they can use your identity and driver's license number during commission of fraud or other crimes, and suddenly you wind up on some police list. Generally outside of your town.
Now you've got to spend hours on the phone, often send written letters, with a drive to the post office to send them registered or return receipt requested. Often your medical card will have your SS# as your ID, and once fraudsters have that, they can get credit cards, etc. And just hope they don't get an American Express card, because American Express won't believe you when you call and tell them that you never applied for a card. Even if the address is totally different. You will spend weeks trying to convince them that their bulletproof anti-fraud department is a pile of crap (it's only designed for current customers who get their cards stolen, not strangers who wouldn't want their ******** cards in a million years).
I had to supply proof that I don't live in another city 300 miles away (even though when they didn't get paid for four months they sent the threatening letter to the address I've lived in for 10 years). All in all, that wallet theft and consequent ID theft cost me an elaped 2 weeks full working weeks of time on the phone, at the DMV, at the police station, writting letters, photocopying bills...
There's nothing on my Axim that's that valuable to me. It's a hassle, but everything on it is backed up at home. If I have to replace it, I'll just replace it with something newer and cooler. It won't take that long to earn the money again, certainly not as long as it would take for the hidden time bombs of identity theft. Like, you can send your letters to the credit reporting agencies, they'll put you on a fraud alert for awhile, but then it comes off. The fraudsters bide their time and get you long after they got your info. And you worry, waiting for the other shoe to drop after that wallet was stolen. A PPC is a "thing", easily replaced. A wallet, if you're vested in life, contains things that are tied in to whole bureaucracies which aren't as easy to deal with as going online and, say, ordering another wallet.
06-11-2006, 08:03 AM
i would give up the ppc... seems alot of you really depend a little too much on your devices... just imagine your life when u never had a ppc... and then imagine even one day without your wallet. good luck on surviving that day. its just as bad as lossing your keys. a wallet is life. ppc are organizers. just back it up...then buy a used one off ebay. or its time for a upgrade to converge devices for people with a ppc. as for the wife or ppc?...let them take the a better ppc also and u will still save money.
06-11-2006, 06:56 PM
No good answer for me:
My wallet (black leather Lodis dayplanner size) contains the following:
PPC phone (Jasjar)
Jabra BT800 bluetooth headset
iPod 4G 60gb (in a seperate modded case that is velcroed in)
Victorinox Cybertool 34 swiss army knife
Boxwave universal charger
Retractable mini usb cord (charge/ sync for Jasjar)
Retractable usb charger cord for iPod
Small usb charger cord for Jabra
Laser pointer/ LED pen
Pen stylus (for Jasjar)
Backup stylus (for Jasjar)
Checkbook (with matching leather case and internal notepad)
Credit cards/ Drivers licence/ Proof of insurance
Medical Insurance cards/ Voter registration/ membership cards
Plastic comb
...and finally a mini birth certificate for my son who is so huge I have to pull it out all the time for movies and dining to get correct pricing.
So, as you can see... my entire mobile life is in my wallet.
06-11-2006, 07:12 PM
...All the information in my wallet (i.e. credit card numbers, drivers license number) are in my eWallet on my device, and photo copied and stored at home...I believe that losing my Pocket PC would be more of a headache than losing my wallet...
While I also carry 'all' on my PPC my wallet is still unencrypted whereas my PPC is virtually impenetrable. Yeah, to set up the PPC is a pain but loosing the wallet would put me into high gear calling all those CC#s to report the theft. If someone took my PPC great I'll get a brand new one :mrgreen: . I would love not to have to carry my wallet at all but to fill up the car I need my CC and if some police officer type pulls me over I can't give him my x50v when he ask for my drivers license (he might be an undercover Palm guy with a chip on his shoulder).
06-12-2006, 12:20 PM
THe Wife and I teach Martial Arts here in Michigan.
Being both 3rd degree black belts if it was only a few "thugs" I think we could take em ;-)
But if I had to give one up, my pocket pc would sadly loose out. You can allways buyt another axim with your credit card ;-)
Sven Johannsen
06-13-2006, 04:12 AM
You lose a credit or check card, it's weeks before you have that card to use again. Don't even have to lose it. My ATM card was going to expire at the end of the month, which was coming up. Called them and asked if they were thinking of sending me the new one. They said they did, two weeks ago. Hadn't got there? Oh darn, well we'll cancel that and order a new one. Of course the one that hadn't got to me had the same number as the one I was carrying, just a new expiration. So BAM, the card in my pocket was instantly no good, and the new one was "in the mail". What a PITA.
06-16-2006, 07:04 PM
There's no competition - I'd definitely prefer to lose my PDA than wallet. It's already happened (by mistake) - left my Palm TX on the plane and only realised about 30min later. No-one handed it in but at least I knew all the data was encrypted. Bought a new one, re-synched, and all my data is back.
Would have been MUCH more hassle without my wallet - mainly because if you're away at the time you need cash/cards. I coped without my PDA for a few days but without wallet could have been difficult. Mind you at least here in the UK we don't need to carry ID cards or drivers licences around with us (yet anyway!).
Now what really would have been tough would have been losing my mobile phone! At least because I still had it I could use Opera mini to look up phone numbers, make calls, etc.
06-16-2006, 07:41 PM
Unlike (I would say), most people; I do not carry my entire life in my wallet. Just the essentials needed for day to day. Liscence, insurance, reg., job ID and ATM card, with a couple of dollars in my pocket. All duplicated at home, and easily replaced. So hands down my Treo 700 is more valuable to me.
Trust me; they would really be hard pressed in trying to take my 700w. Believe that!
Jon Westfall
06-16-2006, 08:12 PM
No good answer for me:...
I'd love to see a picture of all that - as I'm always trying to cram as much as possible into as little of space as possible ;)
06-17-2006, 03:18 PM
I got late into this debate, but noticed that nobody has answered the second part of the question: Did your answer surprise you?
Well, I'd have to give up my PPC & I'm astonished by that. 8O My first instinct when I read the question was to say I'd hand over the wallet with a smile, meanwhile clutching my beloved PPC close to my chest, giving it little kisses & swearing I'd protect it against the evil muggers. :oops: But if I take a moment to think about it, MiniMack Jr (my PPC, yes, I name them) should be surrendered first. For the standard reasons too:
All data in the PPC can be replaced by just running a backup file. Sure it would take $ for the hardware & a little time, but I can manage. I'd run (actually limp really fast) to the closest store or web site & buy a replacement for my iPaq, memory cards, spare battery & case. I'd be having withdrawal shakes all the time, but the information is safe at home & quite easy to replace. If the thieves can hack my password they'll get a bunch of books, some music & pictures, & many notes & lists that don't make sense to anyone else but me, no encryption required, not even for the list of passwords. The worst they'll get is a bunch of phone numbers, addresses & e-mails; not particularly sensitive information, but I guess it could be a pain if they decide to spam people. I'll spend more $ replacing things that they'll get for my oldish 2210, but then I can always upgrade. :wink:
The wallet doesn't have much cash, usually my $20 emergency cab fare, loose change, maybe another $20 for breakfast & lunch, although that's usually in my pockets, not even the MetroCard is there. But there's several ID cards, driver's licence, credit & bank cards, insurance & such. Credit & bank cards can be replaced faster, but it takes time & individual calls. All the other cards will take calls, letters, personal appointments & days on end.
I certainly love & use my PPC much more than my wallet, but one of its best features is how easy it is to replace it & its data. The old clunky wallet with its rarely needed ID's is much harder to recover.
06-20-2006, 06:18 AM
Surprisingly enough, My PPCP case is my wallet. It contains my ID/DVL, credit/bank cards (1 or 2), health & auto Insurance cards, prepaid phone cards for international calls and a few other items I can't remember.
So, I cannot answer the question because they are both one only one.
07-04-2006, 07:30 AM
My PocketPC case is my wallet. I have a nice leather and Cordura zippered case from Duluth Pack that is my typical wallet. It holds my PPC as well as a custom LAMY stylus/pen, cards, receipts and yes, cash. This really protects my HP hx4700 very well. I also use it to hold my PocketPC in an angled, landscape position for typing on with my bluetooth keyboard and mouse from ThinkOutside while at meetings, etc. 8) No my answer did not surprise me as I have had similar set-ups since my first PDA, a Handspring Visor back in 2000. :mrgreen:
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