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05-11-2006, 02:12 PM
Does anyone know of any good free games? Links please, if you have them.


05-11-2006, 03:17 PM
FreewarePPC (www.freewareppc.com) would be a good place to start.

05-11-2006, 03:18 PM
Ah, another ppc user who likes to enjoy his downtime!

If you enjoy chess, Valentin's chess game (http://www.valil.com/chess) is great!
Kevtris (http://www.http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=884) is a nice Tetris clone.
I've really enjoyed playing Bikker's The Nutcracker (http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=799).

In fact, if you go to pocketpcfreewares.com (http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com), you can find many free programs (and some useful ones too!).

Hope this helps!

05-11-2006, 05:47 PM
As has already been pointed out, http://pocketpcfreewares.com/en/ should be your starting point. As it’s much harder to decide what’s good-quality in there and what really sucks, you may also want to scrutinize the following:

I’ve collected a lot of free (mostly “xmas”) titles in my soon-to-be-published (it’s really big, has tons of URL’s and tables and requires much more work than I’ve predicted) MIPS games roundup. Of them, I recommend the following (I’ve tested them; note that 1 or 2 of the titles are only free with having already pucrahsed from ClickGamer). I’ve included the text/mini-review I’ll publish of all these titles. Sorry for the messed-up formatting – I’ve taken these out straight from my Word manuscript of the MIPS full games roundup:

XMas Pipes 1.10 build 42d: No longer available on their homepage! Still available over PocketGear http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=15475 : Another (freeware!) Pipe Dreams clone. Landscape only. Decent in-game music. Highly recommended!

X-MAS Runner Lite 1.20: link (http://www.ballshooter.com/games/?prod_id=34): Free. Highly recommended.

Fast Swapper 2.05: link (http://www.ballshooter.com/games/?prod_id=11): Free

N.I. http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~p_h/ppc/menu.html:

Of the four free games, only DLGate and Balloon are playable; Lode and Ball2 (see this http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4513 for more info on it) seem to have compatibility problems – they are just unplayably slow, while they grind the CPU to halt, which is also noticable because the is some continuous pulsing noise in the right sound channel. ,_ this only applies to MIPS; on ARM, the two other games may be playable, I haven’t tested.

2.15 Omnytex Technologies http://www.omnytex.com/products.shtml

All their three games are freely downlodable off ClickGamer if you've already spent at least $10 in there.

Invasion Trivia 1.6 (also see http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2585 )

K&G Arcade 1.6 (see this http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2811, this http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3345 and this http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2834 threads)

Super Bomber 0.95 by CafeCat

It's free and the latest version was released early 2004.

CanTris http://sivut.koti.soon.fi/sodacan/ by Mikko Kankainen

Free tetris clone with really excellent multiplayer capabilities. The multiplayer mode even offers a deathmatch mode as described here . Also see my article on multiplayer games http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/menneisyys/102005MPPPCGames.asp .

Note that PocketAdventures.com also has another MIPS-compliant game, the free (!)3-D Tic-Tac-Toe http://www.pocketadventures.com/ttt3d.asp .

Blade of Betrayal v1.0 by HPT Interactive

Great looking (Portrait) 2D scrolling and fighting game.

Get/download from ClickGamer http://www.clickgamer.com/moreinfo.htm?pid=68; also note that ClickGamer is still offering the game for free http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5537 . Neither PocketGear nor HandanGo have it and, in addition, the developer has gone out of business in the meantime.

GikaDiver 1.0 http://www.114pda.com/ppc/game/shooting/gikadiver.htm

(The ARM/MIPS/SH3 links are just at the top of the page!)

A free D-pad-based (no styluys-based control is possible; therefore, it's not recommended for any PDA with sub-par D-pads) shoot'm'up. It really rocks – it has everything a decent shoot'm'up needs. Too bad it only has one stage (that is, the game is more of a tech demo than a fully-fledged game).

The Pipe 0.20 http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~skimoto/ce/pipe/hpc/pipe.html

This is a simple, 50 kbyte-big, free Pipe Dreams clone. One of the pecularities of it is that it even has a WindowsCE 1.0 version. Taking its price and size into account, it's recommended.

The links are in the middle of the page; if you can't find them, the direct link to version 0.20 is here http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~skimoto/ce/pipe/hpc/mipsp020.LZH (ARM here http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~skimoto/ce/pipe/hpc/armp020.LZH ).

HellChess by Hellcoder http://www.freewareppc.com/games/hellchess.shtml

A freeware chess program with both single- and multiplayer capabilities. Unfortunately, it is not FICS/ICS-compliant. Still, if you want a freeware chess that works in both single- and multiplayer mode, it's significantly better than the Valentine chess.

Also see http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3932

Pocket Chip's Challenge by Iceboxman Technologies http://www.iceboxman.com/software/pocketpc/chips.php

A freeware port of Microsoft's Chips Challenge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chip's_Challenge

Also see http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3929

Flick Off by Mark Neesam http://www.markspace.btinternet.co.uk/FlickOff.html

A minigolf-like game. Free and supposed to be pretty cool. I, though, had problems in actually kicking the ball – I just haven't managed to do it on purpose.

Also see http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=251

05-18-2006, 11:50 AM
The 4 free games I've carried with me since I had my HP 525:

-NeoTiles : http://www.freewareppc.com/games/neotiles.shtml

-HotDeathUno (Family Friendly Option) : http://www.freewareppc.com/games/hotdeathuno.shtml

-TripyZee : http://www.freewareppc.com/games/tripyzee.shtml

-Dominos : http://www.freewareppc.com/games/dominoes.shtml

Have Fun!

Don't Panic!
05-18-2006, 04:06 PM
I gusess I'm the only person who likes I.C.B.M. for Pocket PC (http://www.clubic.com/telecharger-fiche11268-icbm.html). Get the ARM version.

05-19-2006, 12:35 PM
The game I like most is here: http://limerix.com/ your thoughts and comments are welcome.

05-19-2006, 01:25 PM
The game I like most is here: http://limerix.com/ your thoughts and comments are welcome.

My thought: Shameless self-promotion. Not a bad thing if the game is worthwhile, but the approach tends to turn me off.

My comment: The subject of the thread was FREE games, not demos.