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View Full Version : Jason and Dave's ThoughtCast - May 9, 2006

Dave Conger
05-09-2006, 03:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/thoughtcasts/jasondave05092006.mp3' target='_blank'>http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/tho...ave05092006.mp3</a><br /><br /></div>As the Ultra Mobile PC gets closer to a release and we learn more about the product line, we all continue to wonder how an UMPC could fit into our mobile life styles. Some draw connections to Pocket PC's, trying to figure out how this device might replace them. Some draw connections to Tablets and Laptops. In this ThoughtCast, Jason and I discuss how the UMPC we might find uses for the device as well as general comments on the device concept.<br /><br />Direct Link to this show: <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/thoughtcasts/jasondave05092006.mp3">Download</a><br />RSS Feed: <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/xml/thoughtcast.xml">PPCT ThoughtCast Feed</a><br />Support the Show: <a href="http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=8303">Vote @ Podcast Alley</a><br /><br />After you hear our thoughts on the Ultra Mobile PC, we are sure you will have your own thoughts and comments. Talk back to us about this ThoughtCast or your other thoughts. Skype users can simply place a call to <i>thoughtcast</i>. If you don't have Skype, just call: (425) 296-2462.

Darius Wey
05-09-2006, 04:44 PM
I don't think you could have nailed the Apple PR topic any better. :lol:

05-09-2006, 05:52 PM
I still don’t think this is going to fly. Although there might be a niche market for such a device, most of us are probably going to spend our money on a good laptop/desktop, and a good Pocket PC. I suppose if there were money left over to burn, one of these might be cool. Fact is, I really don’t know why I would buy one. Jason made a really nice try with the room PC idea, but as for me, if I’m in the room so is my Pocket PC, so why can’t I just use that instead of an expensive UMPC?

05-09-2006, 06:58 PM
I see the UMPC being a much bigger threat to the Tablet PC's than it is to PPC's. There is not a whole lot differentiating a UMPC from a Tablet with an 8" screen, and the UMPC will probably be cheaper.

If you travel a lot I could see a UMPC being a more desireable device than a full laptop. It's a lot lighter and would probably be easier to use in a cramp airline seat. With a folding keyboard and a mouse you could use it like a laptop. You could run PowerPoint presentations off of it, and it would do most all the other normal PC things. The hard drive would be plenty big enough to store a few movies, music, and backup the flash cards in your digicam.

I could see the "room PC" idea going somewhere. A UMPC and a WiFi link could let the device replace the morning paper at breakfast. It's light enough to use if you want to poke around online from your favorite easy chair or outside (granted the screen can hold up to daylight) or wherever.

I guess we'll see.

05-10-2006, 08:57 AM
Guys, love the podcast. I may be in the market for a UMPC to give to my child to use. Being smaller its probably more durable than a hinged laptop, and with a smaller screen its less fragile. I would not want to pay more than $700 for a toy computer however.

Regarding the podcasts, may I make a request. I use MS Voice command, and a quick way to make a playlist is to ask it to play Genre. Unfortunately your genre is UNKNOWN . I would mike my life a whole lot easier if you change it to PODCAST . Also changing the album information to simply Pocketpc Thoughtcast from the more complex PPCT: Thoughtcast would also be very helpful and easier for voice command to understand.

Thanks for a great podcast.


05-10-2006, 10:02 AM
If we're looking at low-power 'room' PCs, as an addition to a (much) higher spec 'home' PC, then surely the 'room' PC needs to be little more than a dumb terminal, or something operating on thin-client technology sat on a (wireless) home network pulling data from the 'home' PC, which will morph more and more into a sort of server. Do that, and you get everything you guys were talking about including, because you just stripped out most of the OS, the low price.

My guess though, is that we're too fixed on the current paradigm of the screen size defining the size of the box, and therefore the portability of the unit. If the flexible screen technologies that we are beginning to see glimpses of actually come to anything, then that paradigm will be blown away and we'll see some really interesting new devices.

Jason Dunn
05-19-2006, 06:20 AM
Jason made a really nice try with the room PC idea, but as for me, if I’m in the room so is my Pocket PC, so why can’t I just use that instead of an expensive UMPC?

Well, that's just it: I don't carry my Pocket PC or Smartphone from room to room. So I really do need a PC in the room I want to use it in. 8)