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View Full Version : 8215 Loose Keyboard

04-25-2006, 05:05 AM
Has anyone noticed their keyboard getting loose on the 8125? im really paranoid about sliding out the keyboard because of this. What are your experiences?

04-25-2006, 07:12 AM
Don't worry about it much at all. I don't have the 8125, but I have been using my 9100 since late October and the keyboard still locks into place firmly when opened or closed. I do use the keyboard a great deal as well so if it is lasting well for me I am sure it will do well for most others.

Plus, what good is trying to make the keyboard last a long time if you don't use it? I just use it the way I want to. If they didn't build it properly and it starts to fail it will be repaired under warranty. I don't intend to pay $600 or more for a phone that I can't USE.

04-26-2006, 05:22 AM
If the keyboard gets really loose is that covered under HTC's warranty?