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View Full Version : how my iPAQ connect to internet by using wireless?

04-21-2006, 11:20 AM
excuse me..me a new user of iPAQ.so,i am not so good on it.at here,me want to know how to connect to internet by using my router wireless of pc computer?thank you to every 1

04-22-2006, 01:39 AM
What model?
New ones connect automatically. Older ones need manual configuration

04-22-2006, 05:50 AM
my model is H4150.i think it not a new model.maybe very old

Nurhisham Hussein
04-23-2006, 10:50 AM
No, it's not that old, and if you turn on wifi, it should automatically detect wireless networks in range.

04-27-2006, 08:37 AM
every time me open will automatic detect and connect?because after me detect my router wireless,then i try connect to some webside.it will tell me please connect to internet first or this page cannot found.how?

Nurhisham Hussein
04-27-2006, 10:02 AM
Some things to check:

1. Is your wireless network encrypted? If so, are you using WPA or WEP? The 4150 cannot access WPA networks.

2. Do you have MAC filtering on your router? Add your iPaq's MAC address to the list if so.

3. Is your router 802.11g? In that case, make sure the router is in 802.11b compatibility mode (either auto selection or mixed b/g mode) as the 4150 is 802.11b only.

4. Make sure that DHCP on your router is enabled.

5. Check the network configuration on your PDA and ensure that the correct settings are selected. Use of bluetooth and other connection options (especially to office networks) may override the default network configuration.

04-27-2006, 02:03 PM
WEP?ya i change it to WEP already.then my router is b/g mode then i know my one is wireless 802.11b,right?then when i detect my wireless router it automatic connect but when i try to connect to internet it tell me page cannot find.what the problem?i got try use bluetooth to connect.it can connect to web and msn also.just the wireless cannot.i dunno wat problem..thank u very much

04-27-2006, 08:41 PM

use Al Jarvi's connection manager guide to help verify your settings are correct. I think you are connecting just fine but the settings are incorrect giving you the page not found error.

04-28-2006, 08:39 AM
same problem i solving.how to solve the problem?i already follow the step from Cybird webside.but problem is the page not found......

Nurhisham Hussein
05-02-2006, 05:48 PM
jerry, you have opened a number of problems a number of times already. I would suggest instead of doing that, to join the www.mypdacafe.com forum, sign up for one of the beamfests that are held every month in KL and get hands-on help from the regulars there. It's a lot easier to communicate face to face than trying to write out your problem here.