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View Full Version : Missing Sync v2.5 Alpha Released... For The Brave

Janak Parekh
04-17-2006, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.markspace.com/testing/' target='_blank'>http://www.markspace.com/testing/</a><br /><br /></div>For the brave (and desperate!) Mac users amongst you who need WM5 sync support, Mark/Space quietly released a very early alpha of Missing Sync 2.5 last week, with full Intel Mac support via Universal Binary and preliminary WM5 support, for registered owners of 2.0.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/parekh-20060416-MissingSync.jpg" /><br /><br />From the way the pages are worded, it's pretty clear this is not for the faint of heart. USB is not supported yet, but instead only a "slow" sync over Bluetooth. There are known bugs and issues, and you're advised to back up your data frequently. However, if you're willing to take these risks and are desperate to fill your WM5 devices with your Mac PIM data, now's your chance. (Intel Mac owners, of course, could opt to use Boot Camp instead and use XP+Outlook+AS 4.1; unfortunately, AS 4.x doesn't work under Virtual PC for PowerPC owners.)<br /><br />As for me, I'm going to wait until 2.5 is released before syncing with my Mac again; right now, I use a hybrid of services: Address Book+iCal &lt;=> Entourage (via the latest service pack, which enables Sync Services support) &lt;=> Exchange &lt;=> Treo 700w. This configuration doesn't support task sync, but combined with my Windows PC at work, is serviceable.

04-17-2006, 06:29 PM
We sync our Entourage based Macs to our Pocket PCs via 4SmartPhone.net. Our iCal/AB based Macs we do it via Plaxo's Contacts sync for now (and Calendar sync later).

Janak Parekh
04-17-2006, 08:05 PM
We sync our Entourage based Macs to our Pocket PCs via 4SmartPhone.net. Our iCal/AB based Macs we do it via Plaxo's Contacts sync for now (and Calendar sync later).
Interesting. You know AB has direct Exchange sync, right? That said, I've found AB => Entourage => Exchange actually keeps some more data (Contact notes, notably). The new Entourage support for Sync Services is decent, too, except it only supports one iCal calendar (it creates one called "Exchange").


04-23-2006, 11:15 AM
I also sync with 4Smartphone and I take advantage of the Entourage new sync capabilites with Calendar and Address Book.
I also use Pocket Mac to sync my PPC tasks with Entourage