Ed Hansberry
04-17-2006, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/apr2006/gb20060413_802732.htm">http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/apr2006/gb20060413_802732.htm</a><br /><br />The title of the article is actually "The Hottest Tech Outfit You Never Heard Of" but most of our readers <i>have</i> heard of this outfit, HTC, and realize there is a very good chance their Windows Mobile device was made by this company.<br /><br /><i>"Bill Gates has a secret weapon -- a little-known Taiwanese company with the bland name of High Tech Computer Corp. Microsoft Corp. has long wanted to extend Windows territory to include smartphones, those souped-up handsets that can duplicate many of a desktop's functions. But Microsoft needs partners to make the gadgets, and a key one is HTC. Microsoft collects a royalty on every Windows-operated smartphone and PDA phone HTC sells to cellular operators like Cingular, T-Mobile, and Vodafone, who in turn slap their own brands on its devices. The collaboration between Microsoft and HTC is intense."</i><br /><br />HTC made its name among mobile device enthusiasts when it came out with the iPAQ 3600 several years ago and has continued to make it a priority to keep users passionate about their devices. Read the article for additional info on the company that probably made the device you are using.