View Full Version : xv6700 vs treo 700w
04-05-2006, 04:57 AM
which is the best.. at first i was leaning toward the 700w because i didnt like 6700 design and that it had a mini sd but its starting to grow on me. I went on cnet and read a lot of customer reviews and they said the pda part is awsome but the phone sux azz..... can anyone add a little more than this.... one thins is WHICH CAMERA IS BETTER
04-05-2006, 08:24 AM
which is the best.. at first i was leaning toward the 700w because i didnt like 6700 design and that it had a mini sd but its starting to grow on me. I went on cnet and read a lot of customer reviews and they said the pda part is awsome but the phone sux azz..... can anyone add a little more than this.... one thins is WHICH CAMERA IS BETTER
I'd go for the 6700 myself - it has both more RAM memory and QVGA screen (as opposed to the definitely less compatible square one).
As for the camera, don't expect much from either of these models.
04-07-2006, 01:15 AM
I have the xv6700 it is mt first pda. I love it. I took me a little while to get the hang of the key board but i am all good now. This is why I chose not to get the treo. #1 WiFi the treo dose not have it and I find that a real bummer. #2 smaller screen. #3 bigger keyboard ( I love to tex and e-mail and I have long nails so this was important to me). #4 price. #5 customer reviews. #6 speed, the treo i tested was a bit sluggesh. I have no issues using the phone or with the volume. This is what I was told the treo is a phone first and a pda second, the xv6700 is a pda first and a phone second. What it more important to you? if you go through verizon you get a two week trial.
Ps: the camera dose not suck but i liked my camera on my LG 8100 sooo much better!
04-23-2006, 02:03 PM
I can speak on this since I had the Treo 700w since day 1 of its Verizon launch and have have had it replaced 3 times due to various issues, mostly due to hardware issues. After a week of discussing this with Verizon WDTS and CS I will have a new XV6700 on Tuesday (and return the unit I paid full retail for since my Treo 700w wont' respond), by the way the CS reps have been great and helped out all they could on this matter.
The Tre 700w (mentioned as the T7w) is a nice form factor but even I will say the screen is ok, but not great, apps are coming out daily but not fast enough. I will say the speaker volume is lower than I want, but I ether use my Moto IHF1000 HFK in the car or my HS810 BT headset so it doesn't really matter to me.
Phone wise to me its a huge step UP, not down. I live in the country with lots of hills and signal issues. The T7w would have calls with lots of static or frequently drop my calls until I was on the interstate. The XV6700 has more bars, better call connections and stayed connected where the Treo 700w would drop a call on the same route.
PDA wise, I did like the T7w phone integration and I have been visiting xda-developers site to see whats coming out for hacks and tweaks. I do believe they have the on screen speed dialing working from the T7w.
I like th landscape and the keyboard is nice too. I use the pda and phone each about 50/50 so its a wash. I can say the added memory on the RAM is a plus, but the lower useable ROM was ok since I can add the apps I need internal and on the miniSDcard and still have room.
I would say check out both, way your options and needs, but the phone does not suck from my use so far.
04-29-2006, 05:19 AM
im going from tmobile to verizon tomorrow and im buying one of these phones. I already know about most of the prroblems where 6700 being a better pda and 700 being a better phone but i have 2 questions tthat will determine which phone i get...
1. Which camera is better
2. Does the 6700 hacks work to make sound better like i have been reading
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