View Full Version : Just added a ton of business contacts, need help organizing them...
04-04-2006, 10:30 PM
I just purchased a business card scanner so I could get all the contacts from the box of business cards I have laying around :D . Got all the contacts synced up without issue, however now I have another problem. Prior to this last contacts sync, all the people in my contacts were friends. I purposely added the "business" designation to all the new contacts via outlook because I know you can filter (on the PPC) the view by different categories. Much to my dismay, the default display mode is "all contacts", so when I am trying to bring up a friends contact info I now need to sort through 100 business entries. The long way to solve this is that each time I go to contacts I then select menu, then select "no categories" (I didnt select a category for my friends), and then to search for the desired contact. Is there a way to change the default so that pressing contacts will only display my "no categories" entries?
Jason Dunn
04-04-2006, 11:49 PM
What kind of Pocket PC do you have? I thought that it remembered the category that was selected when you started up contacts again. Ideally you should have a category for ALL your contacts. It's easy to do this in Outlook 2003 by going to VIEW > ARRANGE BY CATEGORIES and then you can drag and drop contacts into a category or do a mass selection and change the categories all at once.
04-05-2006, 12:03 AM
I have a PPC-6700 running windows mobile 5.0. It does not "remember" the filter method I last used so everytime I open up contacts again I am back to the view of all the contacts! I am pulling my hair out over this!!
Jason Dunn
04-05-2006, 12:24 AM're right, I just tested it on my Jasjar and when you "close" the app with the "X", it resets the filter. What the hell? That makes no sense since the application wasn't really closing. All I can suggest is using the keyboard to filter through your contacts more quickly, that's what I do on my Jasjar (and is the reason I didn't even notice they made this change).
04-05-2006, 12:33 AM
There must be some sort of workaround for this! I would use the keyboard "shortcuts" except that checking contacts would then become a two hand operation. This is extremely frustrating......
04-05-2006, 10:22 AM
Did they make the applications worse with the newer PocketPC OS versions?
On my ancient hp Jornada 568 with PocketPC 2002 the contacts (addrbook.exe) works just as desired.
When I close (and I mean really close using IcBar, WISBAR, Magic Button or simular tool program) and restart the contacts program then the catagory is set just as I left it.
04-05-2006, 05:48 PM
Yes this is really bad. I have been trying for three days to get this fixed! I have gone through all the settings and I am sincerely hoping that I somehow missed it....... If anyone has any insight into this please let us know!
04-11-2006, 08:12 PM
After a few days of continued searching I am still unable to figure this one out. I am VERY frustrated with this application to the point that I may remove my work contacts from my outlook. I would rather not do that of course, but I see few other options at this point.......
Jason Dunn
04-11-2006, 09:17 PM
There's no good answer here - this isn't something that can be "fixed", it's a design decision by Microsoft. A very poor one mind you, but it is what it is.
Have you tried something like Pocket Informant from WebIS? It uses the same database for contacts, but allows you to do a lot more and I'm willing to bet that it remembers category filter settings.
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