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View Full Version : PocketBackup For Windows Mobile

Ed Hansberry
04-03-2006, 06:00 PM
<a href="http://www.thbi.de/us/software/pocketbackup/index.html">http://www.thbi.de/us/software/pocketbackup/index.html</a><br /><br /><i>"Most of us have learned the importance of a data backup the hard and painful way. The differences between Windows Mobile devices and Desktop PC are getting lesser and lesser. Now it is everyday business to work with Excel sheets, listen to music and to create Word and notes documents on the Pocket PC while on the go. With PocketBackup you can secure your data reliably and automatically!"</i><br /><br /><a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2006/20060403-pocketbackuplg.jpg"><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2006/20060403-pocketbackupsm.gif" /></a><br /><br />PocketBackup is a desktop backup solution for your device, something that many have asked for since ActiveSync 4.x removed the backup feature. It has been tested with WM2003/SE devices on both ActiveSync 3.8 and 4.1, as well as WM5 devices using ActiveSync 4.1. There is a 30 day trial and after that, you can buy it for $23.95.

04-03-2006, 08:06 PM
I didn't even notice that the backup option was deleted in AS4.1 until you said that Ed! What a bummer.

I am interested in this product, looks very nice. But I'm wondering if anyone has used any backup solutions and could weigh in on their experiences?

I always found it inconvenient to have to set up a new partnership when I first sync after a hard reset. I'd love to be able to choose from an existing partnership and restore everything automatically. Any products that already do that?

04-03-2006, 09:26 PM
any comparrissons with SPB Backup and Sprite?

04-03-2006, 11:31 PM
How come I still have Restore/Backup option in ActiveSync 4.1 and it is working?

Ed Hansberry
04-04-2006, 12:53 AM
How come I still have Restore/Backup option in ActiveSync 4.1 and it is working?
you must have a WM2003 device. those options aren't there for WM5 devices. just curious, why did you upgrade to 4.1 from 3.8?

04-04-2006, 08:01 AM
any comparrissons with SPB Backup and Sprite?
Other than the fact that it only works when connected rather than a stand alone?
I've downloaded it and ran a full back up as I typed this message. Straightforward set up - and simple front end. It is 3 separate progs though: Setup, Backup and Restore - would have been better as a single app with say tabbed views. One thing that would be helpful is a progress bar to give some idea how far it's down the line with a backup. At present it displays files found and files backed up in number and bytesize , but it doesn't read forward to indicate the total files it needs to backup, and then show progress against that.
The main thing to note is unlike Sprite Backup this is not fast. I guess part of the limit is speed over USB? It took 17 mins to backup 440kB! The nice thing is it backs up both internal memory and MiniSD.
Another thing to note - despite nothing running on the PPC (Qtek9100) it hasn't been able to read/open 14 files so far. I don't know what effect that would have on a restore - but if any of the missing files are critical ....! One file it's missed is \pim.vol at 5877760 bytes - no idea if that is needed - anybody??

04-04-2006, 09:21 AM
17mins to back up a 500kb file...damm... my backup files is 5-6 megs compressed from the original backup program included with my ppc2003's... and it only takes me 59 seconds to back it up to my cf card... and i thought that was long... 17 mins... $24 program... why are people backing up wm5 it is writing all program files and user files straight to the rom...files will not be erased if the device battery is dead or removed...there already is a great/simple program built-in all ppc2003/2002... waste of money... dont tell me that it backs up your flash card data too, just get a card reader and copy the files onto your harddrive. how long does it take to backup all of the data including flash cards?
2 hours!!! by that time your ppc will crash and you will loose all the data anyways... :lol:

Nurhisham Hussein
04-04-2006, 09:31 AM
... why are people backing up wm5 it is writing all program files and user files straight to the rom...files will not be erased if the device battery is dead or removed...

Picture this scenario ->Install "fave of the month" software->don't like it, don't use it->uninstall the proggie->it wipes critical entries in your registry, and corrupts your contacts database->omigod, why didn't I do a backup!?!

In short, there's more to having backups than just guarding against file loss.

...there already is a great/simple program built-in all ppc2003/2002...

That's a new one to me - I was under the impression that it depended on the manufacturer (e.g. iPaq backup for HP, FSC backup for FSC etc). It's certainly not something built-in into the Pocket PC OS (that's where AS backup comes in).

04-04-2006, 05:43 PM
PocketBackup is, by design, a software for backing up your data, not your entire device.
The speed depends on your connection speed between your device and your computer. optimal usage: usb 2.0, directly (without a hub) connected to your computer.
You cant compare the speed of PocketBackup with the speed of a device-based backup-software. PocketBackup saves your data onto your pc, not onto the device. If your device is lost (with your backup on your sd-card) your backup is lost!
With PocketBackup you can backup your device automatically when you synchronize it, very easy and you cant forget it!
Look at this very interesting Gartner Group article:

Yes, i am the PocketBackup-Developer and in my and my customers opinion PocketBackup is a professional Backup-Solution for professional users of mobile devices.

Okay, thanks for listening and sorry for my bad english :-)

04-04-2006, 09:40 PM
FYI, all my PCs and laptops have card readers. Sprite and SPB writes to my SD cards - and my card reader transfers 800mb to my hard disk in under 3 minutes. If my PDA vanishes, I can replace it, all its data, and backups (if I choose to store my backups on the SD card) 3 minutes after I obtain a replacement.

This is why I asked how it compares to Sprite and SPB: I already have the ability to recover completely and independently from activesync in case of a disaster.

I understand others may not have chosen to address the issues involved as I have, but activesync has been so undependable over the years, that I've tried to steer clear of any archival solutions that involve it. I was interested to hear what else the product does besides augment activesync.

04-07-2006, 12:38 AM
Silly me.

With the talk about different backup programs replacing what was lost when one upgrades to ActiveSync 4.1/WM5, I assumed that they were talking about a functional replacement...backup to a desktop or laptop, not just another location in the Pocket PC or a memory card.

So I purchased spbbackup. Duh!

So now I guess I'll try PocketBackup to do a backup before I do my WM5 thing on the iPAQ 4700....