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View Full Version : Treo 650 or 750w?

03-28-2006, 06:14 PM
Asside from the OS and the fact that the 700w offers broadband speeds, is the 700w really worth the extra money?

I qualify for new every two (Verizon Wireless)
The 650=$349-$50 rebate-$100 new every 2 is $199
The 700w=$499-$100 new every 2 is $399

Not sure its worth the extra $200. I don't thinl I 'need' the cool new feature, but I want to be satisfied with my purchase. I have used both OSes so that's not really an issue.

03-29-2006, 12:49 PM
Right now the Treo 700 is new so you'll pay a premium for the privelege of owning and operating one.

In a few months there will be more carriers able to offer the product and competition will drive the price down.

So if you like the features and OS of the Treo 700 and you can wait, you'll get a better rate.

Janak Parekh
03-29-2006, 05:22 PM
Asside from the OS and the fact that the 700w offers broadband speeds, is the 700w really worth the extra money?
If both the OS and data support really isn't an issue for you, the 650 is probably a better deal. The device form factor is nearly identical, but the 650 actually has a better screen than the 700w (320x320 instead of 240x240). I've seen the 650's screen, and it's beautiful. The 700w's is very good, but not quite up to par. The 700w's keyboard is supposed to be slightly better, but I'm not sure if the difference is that significant.

For me, the inclusion of Windows Mobile makes a significant difference. I wasn't interested in the 650 because of Garnet, but I like the 700w a lot. marathon makes a good point, though -- not only will the 700w's price ultimately come down, the rumored 700p may eventually be released.


03-30-2006, 01:15 AM
not only will the 700w's price ultimately come down, the rumored 700p may eventually be released.

I just purchased the 700w and have not heard of the 700p. What would be the differences?[/quote]

Janak Parekh
03-30-2006, 05:55 AM
I just purchased the 700w and have not heard of the 700p. What would be the differences?
As the last letter implies, it is rumored that Palm will release a PalmOS version of the 700w, e.g., something like the 650 but with EVDO and the slightly-redesigned keyboard. This has yet to be confirmed, but it wouldn't surprise me if it happens.
